Call of Duty: Warzone

Want to improve at Warzone as a casual player? Let me help you.

Hello everyone,

I’ve seen a few post the past few weeks about some people struggling with Warzone or wondering how to get into it as a casual gamer.

As a 0.8kd myself back in Warzone 1 I understand the struggle. I made a video in hope to help some people improve at the game by using simple tactics and strategies without needing to put lots of time in the game. Those tactics helped me become a 1.1kd and over the years was able to climp up to a 2kd.

Not everyone has the chance to practice every day and get crazy skillful or has superhuman hand eye coordination so hopefully these tactics that I’ve learned will help you enjoy the game more.

Here's the link



  1. LeftSyrup3409

    Just post the link to you hacks here and be done with it.

  2. WillyWonkaCandyBalls

    I don’t get it. I’m super low kd .8 and me and my squad get wins all the time. Like our streak was 8 the other day. We will play for about 5-6 hours in the evening and get about 4 wins so I don’t think it’s that bad.

  3. AliAskari

    Asking people to DM you for the video rather than just posting it is weird.

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