Counter-Strike 2

twitch: renyan #cs2 #counterstrike2 #csgo

#cs2 #counterstrike #csgo


  1. Hes playing on a unicycle with inverted controlls on a steering wheel
    Btw i love ur vids and that ur actually bringing daily content. A lotnof my knowlege from cs2 comes from you.

  2. dang, he is using cheats while playing on a steering wheel and a drawing tablet, but I would of died of laughter if he got knifed

  3. Dude the other day i was playing a Premier with my 2 friends that were 22k and i was 15k. And we play against wallers. I clutch a 1v4 against the wallers and the next round they go full hacker prefire through wall with scout. But it was 😂😂

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