Rate my mouse pad

Rate my mouse pad


  1. Echo77411


  2. Kokanee93

    Idk but I’d imagine your mouse is pretty smooth

  3. No-Horse-5586

    Seems like you’re not pursuing the right COURSE of action…. Maybe you should FINE tune your methods, at the least…

  4. ArLOgpro

    Ur better off just using the wood desk lol

  5. valleysape


    Would high grit my new subscription Logi mouse to true death

  6. Sea_Sector_3682

    20000/10 w will last u years trust

  7. brimston3-

    Flip it over and it’s perfect. Might scratch up the desk a bit, but it won’t slip.

  8. Irishpersonage

    This is like athletes training at high altitude, smart

  9. Apprehensive-Log-916

    I’m using a piece of stiff cardboard myself right now. I’ve been meaning to buy a new mouse pad but just haven’t got around to it and the cardboard has been holding up for a couple months now so I’ve been putting it off longer lol!

  10. Visible-Inevitable23

    10/10 looks extra smooth like glass!

  11. Bulky-Bear7265

    Show me your mouse man..the backside

  12. Repulsive_Parsley47

    You are never going to catch a mouse with this

  13. Friendly_Schedule_12

    This is a shitty post idea 💡 0/16

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