Counter-Strike 2

Keep getting accused of hacking PLEASE I NEED GUNUINE HELP

This post is not to flex at all, I'm genuinely wanting some advice. I know that if I went against someone good, I would get dogged on.

My profile:

TLDR: I shit on casual people, they think I hack. I don't hack. I don't want to have any possibility of having my account get banned since I got really lucky with opening cases and have an okay inventory that's worth almost 1k. So I would appreciate any help on how to make my profile look less sus since I only play cs2 on steam and I don't really know how to customize it.

I'm decently new to the game as I've started less than half a year ago. I've always had above average aim since when I got my first pc 5 years ago, I went ham with getting better with mouse and aiming. I mainly started playing CS because I always watched unboxing videos and wanted to experience opening a knife myself (Which I did, it's a fucking amazing feeling). I mostly play casual since I hate the commitment of playing a nearly hour long match without being able to leave. Since most people in casual are just bad, I always drop like 30 kills and have around a 65% headshot rate with ak. With that, I also have a decent understanding on how people rotate, flanks, etc, so people always ask how I know where people are and say I have walls too. A week ago, I got a mw print stream deagle which was my dream deagle skin so I've been doing deagle only. While being deagle only, I'm still dropping 20+ kills a game while dying around 5 or less times a game with now an 85% headshot rate since you have to go out of your way to aim for the head. I would always get accused of hacking before deagle only but that was only here and there and from the other team. Since I switched to deagle only, for the past week, it's been nearly every match while even being from my own tm8s so I'll even get vote kicked off. I'm terrified of getting actually banned since I like this game, and I plan on maybe selling my inventory for an rtx 4070/5070 if its out by then. Plus, I don't want to keep getting reported and have my rep go down and made to go against actual cheaters.

So I guess what I really want help with is there any way to prove while I'm in a game that I'm not hacking. Maybe by making my profile look less sus or anything like that since people always say that my profile looks hella sus because I have nothing on it. Which doesn't help since 1. I have barely any understanding on how steam works and even had to look up a yt tutorial on how to add friends, get to level 5, badges, how levels work (which I still don't really get), and 2. I really only use steam for CS2. Besides that, I mostly only play rocket league, osu, and a few other games.

I'll also provide a ss of how many steam market points I have so if you have any suggestions on what I should by on the market, you'll know my budget.

by The_Interveiw1


  1. codycs123

    It’s impossible to get banned for cheating if you don’t cheat. You get banned based off of what it finds on your PC, not what others think.

  2. Your account won’t be banned if you’re not hacking. No matter how many people report you.

  3. Melodic-Loan-9398

    Doesn’t matter. Worst case scenario you get too much report and they ban your in game chat for a while (since some ppl report you and click all the boxes) because that’s what happened to me.

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