[COD] Hot take, but I’ll take the movement from these games over the new omni movement

[COD] Hot take, but I’ll take the movement from these games over the new omni movement


  1. Jojo-the-sequel

    Infinite movement with omnimovement would be wild af

  2. Malcolm3266

    Omnimovements for me… is cod stuck in between “you have to innovate, players need new abilities”-“no jetpacks, players shit on them to cope for their skill issues” interval. The struggle is funny to watch. But yeah, 100 % jetpacks over omnimivements any day.

  3. CopiedOriginal

    Disagree, omnimovement feels just right and makes sense. Operators shouldn’t be handicapped to just walking when moving backwards and sideways, but jetpacks just feel wrong for COD.

  4. Sleepaiz

    Nah. Shit felt choppy af in those games. At least omnimovement feels smoothish and is satisfying to 720 no scope someone

  5. The movement of those games is superior to omni. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. GatorSlams

    BO3 had amazing movement. Best of the jump pack games.

  7. Emotional-Chipmunk70

    No to wall climbing, no to jet packs, and no to omnimovement. Boots on the ground movement like MWR and WW2.

  8. Dmxneed

    Cod should made spin off for the Futuristic games

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