Launders’ entire inventory got stolen

Launders’ entire inventory got stolen


  1. Impossible-Raisin-15

    i mean literally day 1 opsec, never scan a qr code if you don’t want this kind of shit to happen to you. you literally have no idea where it will lead until you scan/click it.

    hopefully steam doesn’t play favorites as there are thousands of people who get scammed like this every year and those people don’t have hundreds of thousands of twitter followers

  2. 2literpopcorn

    Damn, what is the value of that?

    How is it even possible to have your 2fa disabled and not get trade locked?

  3. New-Nothing7027

    How do people fall for these obvious scams lmao….

  4. Naebliiss

    how can you have a 10k USD inventory and still fall for these low IQ tournament scams

  5. RaimaNd

    That’s why I still want an option be able to lock items to the account and the only way to remove it is via a letter sent via post to your address as an authentication.

  6. grandpapi_yugi

    This is why you don’t trust shit from anyone. Let me say it again I mean ANYONE don’t care if it’s your best friends account. Stop clicking and scanning random shit god dam it’s not that hard.

  7. roedtogsvart

    …you scanned your steam login info to someone? literally anyone? why? don’t do that.

  8. fuckyouRYDER

    rip for launders. crazy how he fell for it but shit happens.

  9. _JukePro_

    This why you should never use the qr code 2fa bypass in steam or discord.

  10. dietdrkelp4

    I had a friend this summer who started playing again after seven years, he ended up clicking one of those redirects in a Faceit hub that was marked as “rules” and lost some really old valuable skins. Of course the hub was gone within a couple days and the skins got traded six ways from Sunday.

    He knows he fucked up, it’s disgusting this is what’s happening within the community. The fact that it only takes one singular moment of not thinking before clicking for it to be wiped is beyond unfortunate.

  11. vivalatoucan

    Lowkey, this is good to know. Whenever I see a QR code, Im curious to scan it. Didn’t realize they can literally be used to steal your credentials

  12. YungSkizzzy

    Lmao, it happened to me and valve told me to get bent. Can’t wait for a known personality to get their shit back. (I love launders and hope he gets his stuff back) I just hate the double standard.

  13. dassiebzehntekomma

    It was a rite of passage in IRC days to lose your steam acc once but now it hurts a lot more i guess.

  14. Winter_Culture_1454

    Ain’t no way he fell for QR code scam.

  15. valexitylol

    These are some of the most known scams out there, it’s crazy that he still fell for one.

    Hope he can get his shit back given his popularity, but it’s crazy to me that people still just click and scan whatever shit gets sent to them on steam. Surely steam DMs are not the only way you communicate with people, especially if it’s something like that.

    Even crazier that people can’t see red flags when reading shit like that. “Yeah my friend sent me a random link asking me for a favor, guess I should immediately click it and login without confirming what it even is or if it’s even real!”

  16. GrandKillur

    Same exact thing happened to me about a year ago! Over $1,200 worth of skins gone without even a chance to do anything about it.

  17. damn, that sucks. he’s right about the steam guard but he also fell for literally the oldest trick in the book

  18. Llamasxy

    Someone on my friend list got hacked as well and sent me this scam. I also scanned the QR code which was meant to look like a steam sign in, but it asked me if I was sure I wanted to remove my authenticator so I knew that shit was a scam. It was actually pretty believable up until the warning.

  19. Tomico86

    “Family View” – I thought that was unbypassable barrier, no?

  20. 1KingCam

    Bro I’m so paranoid that I won’t even click any link at all. I don’t care if it’s my Silicon Valley tech bro cousin or the Elon Musk. I’m not doing it

  21. AvalancheZ250

    I wonder if they got through Family View by brute forcing the password (its just a 4-digit numerical password with no lockout or time cooldown) or by it being removed by the ongoing roll-out of Steam’s new “Steam Families” update.

  22. Caboose111888

    I fucking hate this aspect of CS. I hope that since this is Launders someone at Valve can actually do something. Presumable they can track the skins and remove them and and add them back to his inventory.

  23. JustPlayer

    “i don’t understand how it is my fault for not worrying about it”

    mf just proved himself to be a casual internet user

  24. donkdonkdo

    I’ve worked in Cybersecurity for over a decade now, it absolutely sucks what happened here – but there’s really no protection against handing over your steam login credentials and removing your steam guard and 2fa through SMS – which is what this scam tricks you into doing.

    I think people get lulled into a false sense of security when QR codes are involved.

  25. PoofyScissors

    Same thing happened to me couple days ago lmao, I didn’t have actual good skins but they took most of my cases. They tried to go for both my accounts but luckily I caught it after the first time.

  26. TheJas221

    bro fell for the equivalent of food under a box propped up by a stick

  27. correction and apology- i did get an email i didnt see. i didnt have my guard up because i thought if any of this happened i would have been logged out of steam/trade banned for 2 weeks like the last time i switched phones. the accounts they were traded to were banned right after.

  28. meltie007

    I love launders but cmon man, skill issue

  29. zedtronic

    Oh man that sucks so bad. If there is an exploit where the trade lock can be shortened, then hopefully Valve is taking note and working on a fix.

    Yeah it’s a known scam and it was dumb of him (of all people) to fall for it, but they only have to catch someone once. Maybe they’re tired, or distracted, and they just have to do this one quick thing their friend messaged about while they’re thinking about the fifty other things they have to do that day and so maybe they just trust the 2FA this one time.

    It wasn’t wise, but it’s also reasonable and understandable. Shit really sucks.

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