Call of Duty: Zombies

Despite all the negatives name one positive thing about Liberty Falls so far.

Despite all the negatives name one positive thing about Liberty Falls so far.


  1. TheOjur

    For me it’s the wonder weapon, jet gun looks like a lot of fun and it’s actually good this time.

  2. Accomplished-Curve-1

    I e actually got a couple upgraded jetgun we are in a town as the outbreak happens the bowling alley the comic book store and aetherella trap upside down is confirmed to be the dark aether and the mystery of why we see fake aether themed stuff (aetherella I’m the comic boo store and mister peeks in liberty lanes bowling alley)

  3. Maximum_Impressive

    It’ll be a simple map of you just wanna wind down . Compared to terminus.

  4. It’s gonna be a GREAT map for camo grinidng. Terminus seems tight with not many spots that are open enough to train in the higher rounds. While those exist in literally every corner of Liberty Falls. You can train everywhere.

  5. Nicky_G_873

    The church looks sick and I can’t wait to try the new Jet Gun. Also possibly mildly spicy take but I’m glad to see the non-mega abomination again.

    Also the bowling alley

  6. Admirable-Design-151

    I think it actually looks fun to play

  7. AdanFlores94

    Is for me, good for casual fun after work

  8. quittin_Tarantino

    It’s new content.

    Doesn’t mean it’s good content, but I guess we’ll see why it’s not.

  9. Awlamon0524

    I’m going to just enjoy the game. Fuck the haters!!


  10. Hrjothr

    How can something that isn’t even out yet warrant so much bitching and whining from this community

  11. Wolfebane86

    It looks like a good, casual map, with a decent loop for grinding and winding down, at least in the areas demonstrated at COD Next. I also actually like the start-of-the-zombie-apocalypse vibe, which reminds me of the opening to the Dawn of the Dead remake. Lastly, a few of the interior areas (bowling alley, church, comic shop) seem very memorable.

  12. DaBigDaddyFish

    It’ll be nice to use the Jet Gun again!

  13. NebTheDestroyer

    PaP room. That church exterior with the postal going into the aether is dope.

  14. MrTheDish

    It will be one of the cod zombies map of all time

  15. JessahZombie

    It’s finally a Daytime map that isn’t just outbreak

  16. Liamtheriver

    Open spaces good for mindless training and camo grinding

  17. NovaRipper1

    Calling the map good for camo grinding is such a back handed insult. Maps shouldn’t be built with the sole intention of camo grinding. If they really wanted a way to make camo grinding easier then they should have just brought back onslaught containment.

  18. LukeMCFC141

    I think it’s worth pointing out, if it hasn’t been already, that Liberty Falls is, I’m fairly certain, the first instance in the entirety CoD Zombies where the outbreak is basically a standard zombie apocalypse scenario played pretty much completely straight without any sort of ‘twist’ or ‘subversion’ to its setting as provided by the game it’s set in (i.e. Mauer der Toten being split between East and West Berlin, Shadowed Throne being set during the Red Army siege on Berlin, Infection(? The Burger Town map) is just a fast food restaurant but it’s in fucking Advanced Warfare), and that’s legitimately kind of unique in its own way.

  19. luisanra

    Looks like they did the jet gun justice, hopefully it’s a lot better, can’t wait to use it.

  20. TieflingSimp

    It’s the perfect map if I wanna play a quick hour max match without any BS.

  21. TWDFanComic

    The Superhero trap is unique and so is the vault. Just hope the rewards end up being better than the ones seen in cod next

  22. naga_h1_UAE

    Maybe just for camo grinding, nothing else, am more excited about the other map

  23. Chief_biscuitman

    I’m still prepared to try it even regardless of its lack of atmosphere.

  24. MrRedRice

    it’s another zombies map. all i can really think of.

  25. zombie_npc

    How come the trailer showcased the wunderwaf 🤔

    Idk know if this counts, but I’m happy about 2 maps at launch hopefully

  26. Forgotten1Ne

    It is a map that will be like kino was in bo1 an introduction for what is to come.

    My honest way of thinking was that this map shouldn’t have been marketed as it was cause they were marketing it to the hardcore fans yet produced it to appeal to the casuals.

  27. Elite_gamer228

    I’m excited to try out the jet gun I liked the idea but it was bad in bo2

  28. Genius_Cena

    I thank the map because it made me change my mind on not buying the game since MP is pretty bad LMAO.
    And also, there are other better games that will come out in October that I will definitely be willing to spend my money on instead.

  29. Inevitable-You2034

    That they’re finally doing the Jet Gun justice. I’ve always wanted to see what the Jet Gun would be like if it was an actual Wonder Weapon. I can’t wait to see it shred through the horde when this comes out 😊

  30. EvilRoboEnte

    I like that we get a clean entry into the Dark Ather without any (hidden) lodingscreen.
    Acctually im looking forward to play both maps.

  31. The positive thing is that NOBODY EXCEPT YOUTUBERS HAVE PLAYED IT YET.

    FFS, wait until the game is out before making these broad claims of it being terrible.

  32. Normbot13

    it’s gonna make activision a lot of money. it shouldn’t, but it will.

  33. coolhooves420

    The fact that this map’s existence will give me motivation to play terminus instead.

  34. Tootskiiiii

    I love that it’s a bright daytime map. Very excited to jump in

  35. Nova_Spion

    It is certainly a zombies map in which you can shoot zombies

  36. n_dinardo01

    This is wishful thinking, but imagine if the entire map goes full Dark Aether outbreak mid easer egg. I guarantee all of the haters will change their tune

  37. barrack_osama_0

    I’m really hyped for how the story might turn out

  38. ickylittlebum

    This will be great as a training map to get MWZ players used to round based and for just new players in general,

    It will prob be the “town” map at launch for me (Dumb co-op shenanigans in a easyer map)

    It will be good to practice training techniques or weapons before using them in terminus

    Camo grinding

    Dark eather might be more involved in the EE for once

    This is the only map this year where we have to deal with operators 24/7 and they still have some more personality then CW

    They made the jetgun usable for once

    Were still getting new unique traps which we lacked in cold war

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