Can I leave my pc without the glass panel?

Can I leave my pc without the glass panel?


  1. 2quick96

    Yes you can. Sometimes I do that, but don’t anymore.

  2. W1xtons

    I think it’s actually better for you to have it on.

  3. peacedetski


    You can even leave your PC without a case.

  4. Hunterrcrafter

    You can, it will get dusty easier and you shouldn’t do this if you have a cat.

  5. GirlsCallMeMatty

    I leave my panel off. I only put it on when I leave or extended periods of time.

  6. FuckClerics

    Yes but for what reason exactly? All you’re doing is letting your components get dusty, if it’s for ventilation you have a whole ventilation system designed for that purpose. Keep the panel on.

  7. Horror-Papaya6053

    May I ask why? Is the case hot? You might want to put on of the top fans to the bottom front. It’s now blowing air in from the top, but the back fan is hardly getting warm air to push out.

  8. Throwaythisacco


    I’m reckless and leave basically all panels off my PCs.

    Never hurt, been doin this 3 years now.

  9. MaintenanceNo4109

    Yea, I keep my pc open all the time because it’s an office pc cabinet and GTX 1650 produces hella heat, so that the why

  10. ziplock9000

    Cases are designed to have air flow in a certain way and a certain positive pressure. Leaving the side off will change that drastically. It could make a little or a lot of difference.

  11. Th1X_16

    No, it will break and blow up.

    JK, yes, you can.

  12. pink_kunt_

    Yeah, but you should be aware that you’re going to have to clean it more often.

  13. Starkiller_303

    Hello, yes, dirt and dust. Get inside me please. Yes, deep inside.

  14. Are those top fans intake fans? If it is, switch them around to exhaust instead. I used to have my fans like that and it made a world of a difference when I flipped them to exhaust. Since hot air rises and cold air sinks, the cold intake air is pushing the hot air down and the gpu is basically choking on its own heat since it’s being pushed back down.

  15. FHatzor

    People have been doing this for literal decades. It’s a case by case thing whether it helps cool your machine down or not.

  16. sawb11152

    Yes, I keep my PC this way because my GPU is mounted vertically and the glass panel would be too close for the fans to be able to breath.

    Dust isn’t as big of an issue as people are saying because air still moves inside from the case fans. Just keep your filters clean.

  17. 0dioPower

    In the summer heat is a must, gpu temp will drop , 100%

  18. dwolfe127

    Yes, but not if you have a cat or small children. 

  19. They recently passed a law in the US to decriminalize it. If you’re in the US, you’re good to go!

  20. No-Hospital3094

    Believe it or not, straight to jail.

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