Our favorite toys destroyed.

I built a PC slowly over the course of 6 years because with rent and bills it was impossible to otherwise. When I finally finished I was in love. It was beautiful and not super powerful but pretty okay for what I planned with it. Played every day after and sometimes before work, even got moonlight on my vita to play on my lunches. Then we found out we had black mold so I moved across the country leaving the majority of my belongings behind because I was told we all had to get out immediately due to how dangerous it was. One of the few things I took with me was my set up. After I got here I met my partner and they said they wanted to try and played on mine a few times so I decided since I was doing better and had some money saved up, I would make them one. I did and it was magical having a true gaming buddy all the time after that. We ended up moving in with my mother and sister and a fire broke out, directly beside our bedroom door. We got all our pets out but unfortunately we couldn't grab anything so among almost everything I and my partner owned, our PCs were torched. I'm sorry to hurt everyone with these pics but I knew the people here would understand my pain. Especially after buying mine piece by piece to slowly create my baby. The gray one (originally white lol)was mine and the pink my partner's.


  1. grantrules

    That sucks. Luckily PCs can be replaced, unlike pets and people, so you got out what really mattered.

  2. Global_Contract_3555

    That’s a really sad story, but why is this labeled nsfw

  3. cheesearmy1_

    I’m so sorry. I’d give you money if I had any.

  4. Damn I’m sorry for your loss! However your cpus and SSDs might be salvageable

  5. sephirothbahamut

    I’ve seen worse to be honest, some parts may be salvageable. Storage, cpu, ram. Motherboard’s GPU slot looks gone, and i wouldn’t trust the power supplies

  6. Briggs-and-Stratton

    It’s possible some parts are still okay most likely would be the cpu ram and maybe motherboard but that sucks hope your able to recover :3

  7. GamingNemesisv3

    Do you have any information on what caused the fire?

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