I thought it would be fun to make a CS2 sticker… I call it “Tragedy”. Feedback is appreciated :)

(It’s not finished yet so ignore the really sharp white corners)


  1. darthrector

    The phantom 👻🙌™, exterior like 💖 fish 🐟 eggs 🥚 interior 🏠 like 💖 suicide ⚰ wrist-red(rags?) I 👁 could exercise 💪 you 👉, this could be your 👉🏠🍕 phys-ed cheat 💋👀💔 on 🔛 your 👉 man 👦 homie 👬 AGHHH I 👥 tried 👀 to sneak 😺 through the door 🚪 man 👨! Can’t ❌ make 🖕 it, can’t ❌ make 💘 it, the shit’s 💩 stuck 👥! Outta ⏪😂 my way 💫 son 🌞🤷🏾! DOOR 🚪 STUCK ❌! DOOR 🚪 STUCK 👥! Please 🙏! I 👁 beg 🙏 you 👈! We’re dead ☠! You’re a g-g-genuine dick 🍆 sucker 🐓!

  2. loveincarnate

    I like the style but I’m genuinely a little confused as to what is being depicted. Is it running at a teammate while knifing and they are in fear? Is it depicting a reaction after team knifing?

    Might be me being dumb but the nuances of what is being conveyed are being lost on me. I do really like the style and the depth of emotion on the guys face is good and comedic I like that a lot too. I say keep it up you’ve got potential IMO.

    edit: ty u/beastierbeast for appropriate context. I rate your picture 9.5/10 it is very good

  3. retrofan123

    I love the concept being a POV of Door Stuck but I think it might be a bit too busy for a sticker. Too many thick lines not enough line weight variance. Maybe make the outline of the first person knife a lot thicker, the player model a bit thicker, and the backgrounds/details of the models much thinner lines & simpler shapes. More of a pop art style so from further away you can tell what it is and it looks like a solid design even outside of knowing what its referencing. Just my two cents

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