Cyberpunk 2077

One of the best looking and sounding cars imo

One of the best looking and sounding cars imo


  1. LoneWolf622

    Don’t they all have the same sound?

  2. Tarushdei

    What I really wish we could have got in the base game was car tuning/modifications.

    Like, it should allow us to swap motors and drivetrains in cars and slap armor and weapons onto them.

    I only ever imagined my solo character in my head driving a kitted-out Villefort Columbus Freight, with AWD, a V8 and missile launchers and machine guns. Like straight up battle van.

    It’s the perfect merc-mobile because you could have a little cot in the back with netrunning/spy equipment and even a spot to lock up bounties like Boba Fett.

  3. EmpilhadeiraXD

    in my opinion this is the best looking Type 66, but its the worst sounding, the one that you get from Dino and the other Green one that I forgot the name are the best sounding ones

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