[COD] Did this game really deserve all the hate it got?

I been playing since Call of Duty 3 and this one is my favourite out of all.


  1. dudedudetx

    No, it was the last COD that actually had classic COD gameplay. Now we have tac-sprint, doors everywhere, and a bloated gunsmith system (thanks Infinity Ward)…

  2. Personally I hated this game. The MP was not enjoyable at all.

  3. jespertherapper

    If it only didnt have the garbage streak system.

  4. JooosephNthomas

    Only because MW2 was pretty good, this game felt like a downgrade. However, it’s felt like that ever since.

  5. One-Happy-Gamer

    it didn’t. I still play this game over anything that came out after it


    Best MP since BO3. Best zombies since BO4. Did not play the campaign. For me it brought CoD back

  7. GooBoi1

    In hindsight? No. I look back at it, even played recently, and think about the Thanos quote “Perhaps I treated you too harshly.” Genuinely a great game

  8. GameLessGlitch

    I only play the zombies but personally it’s one of my fav zombies. Very replay able and a huge departure from classic zombies that I feel like worked for the vibes it was going for. I don’t think it should’ve been replicated but personally Vangaurd zombies got a bit too much hate as well. Not a ton too much cuz it wasn’t as bad as everyone said it. Granted I have low standards with games and it’s easy for me to enjoy a lot of games that other people might be critical of so take my opinion with a grain of salt

  9. xprozoomy

    Cod games have gotten pretty stale. But the sbmm and eomm have ruined everything.

  10. TemperatureJust6845

    what kinda hate are yall talking about? this game is universally loved.

  11. Vanilla_Ice_Best_Boi

    Today I realized the guy on the left is wearing an Ushanka.

  12. Shatnips

    I loved Cold War.

    I never gave the campaign a chance, but while grinding for the platinum trophy, I fell in love with it. I loved the mission when you go into the KGB base and there was multiple different actions you could do and you’d get a different story outcome every time.

    MP wasn’t my favorite across CoD, but I will say it’s the best MP on the newer engine.

    Zombies was really good but just felt a little too much like MP and campaign, really needed a little more zombie-esque vibes to the maps.

    I never got into playing Dead Ops until Cold War came out and now I really enjoy it! Especially being able to play in First Person gave the gamemode a big step up for me. Really wish the dark ops challenge tied to it (King of Silverbacks) wasn’t so grindy as nobody’s gonna want to play 3 months worth of Dead Ops Arcade for 1 calling card but that’s besides the point.

    Overall, Cold War I’d say is the best CoD on the modern engine but wish it just could’ve gotten another year of development time, especially for zombies

  13. Mindless-Ad2039

    I only started playing it this year and it’s the best CoD of the new ‘Warzone era’. I seem to recall it had a rough launch though but got a lot better over time.

  14. Which-Awareness-2259

    No. It was an amazing game, it’s just everyone was obsessed with the new mechanics from MW19, and failed to realize how much better CW was. It also launched with little content

  15. PhDFlopper69320

    Its a pretty good game. The MP besides HC was pretty well balanced and fun, sure the streak system sucked ass but every game needs to have that one baffling decison

    Campaign is one of the best we have had since BO2 and zombies was for the most part a return to form after bo4.

  16. Illustrious_Issue477

    Not rlly I enjoyed all of it besides the score streak system and some camo challenges for mp were obnoxious

  17. Coffee_Bomb73-1

    Arguably the best zombies. Mid mp. Did not like any of the weapons.

  18. FatherBeej

    I loved it only complaint I had was the sbmm felt way too punishing and strong

  19. No-Praline2958

    The franchise is too huge, it doesnt matter games are good or bad, for a long time. Even they make a game that will be the greatest game of all time in gaming history. It will definitely be hated by some people

    Its nothing new though, i remember that GtaIV hated so much at the time after San Andreas. Lots of people even hated Rdr2 because its “clucky”. And we can also count other big series like Assasins Creed, Fifa, Far Cry etc. every addition of these series get lots of hate even if they do well.

  20. Goodgamer78

    No: my second cod game ever and it’s still great. New games have the worst UI design I’ve ever seen and its so tedious to even launch an older game (MW2)

  21. I_AM_CR0W

    Not really. Most of the hate came from the fact that it was a rushed game with a very choppy release. Later in its lifespan, it got way better both in quality and content, but half the playerbase already left by then. Those that stuck around would agree that it ended up being the best CoD in the Warzone era.

  22. happybaby00

    My favourite cod since advanced warfare tbh, 900 hours logged 😄

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