My Steam account can now legally drink in the United States.

My Steam account can now legally drink in the United States.


  1. The_4ngry_5quid

    And it’s been able to drink in the rest of the world for 3 years 😉

    Mines only 6 years away!

  2. BetterPySoonTm

    Can you actually not drink before 21 in USA? o.O

  3. Dang. You’re putting my 06/21/2004 to shame 😀

  4. etfvidal

    I started sailing the sea w/ Limewire and Bearshare in 2003, so I can drink to my pirate life being 21 years!

  5. please everyone, yes i know the steam birthdays are coming up but do you really need to post about it when it’s already been happening the past week

  6. CosmicallyToxic

    THATS PEAK, i only have a 13 year old steam account

  7. DCDGaming99

    How are you a member since the 10th September 2003, when Steam came out 12th September 2003???

  8. rustledjimmies369

    I’m at 18, congrats on your 21!

  9. SeaHold5133

    Damn it’s crazy to think that you have been gaming more yrs then my age

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