When matchmaking makes you captain of the titanic

When matchmaking makes you captain of the titanic


  1. SSgtReaPer

    The devs have soooo fucked up this match making never had so many players leave matches, ranked, frontline, and BR wtf is going on ???? I always play random 4 man team 9 out of 10 games they all go solo, die in max 30 seconds spam tags then 10 seconds later leave, thinking of doing a name and shame post with these solo ……s

  2. KiriAsu_

    Matchmaking really is fucked. And they should put a 1-2 hour ban rather than 5-10 mins. And i really think codm matchmaking gives more preference to squading rather than solo playing. If you have a squad which shoots back at the enemy then almost 7 out 10 times you will win until you run into the sweat squads.

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