
Just 69 players earned Concord’s Platinum before the doomed shooter could be taken offline, according to a leading tracking site

Just 69 players earned Concord’s Platinum before the doomed shooter could be taken offline, according to a leading tracking site


  1. Derpguy04

    As a trophy hunter myself, it would be really cool to see an account with this platinum, especially since it would take you about 100 hours to even earn it in the first place.

    I don’t know if it’s more impressive to have earned the platinum itself or constantly finding matches within those 100 hours but it’s cool to see either way.

  2. Rosstin316

    Well at least 95% of the total players were able to get it, that’s pretty good.

  3. laddervictim

    How funny would it be if they deleted the trophies too

  4. LittleCrab9076

    So basically all the players earned platinum?

  5. TheWhiteRabbit74

    And it’s such a gamer thing that it was 69.

  6. Background_Strike335

    Life is a meme and this is just more proof

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