
Ubisoft investor wants to dethrone Ubisoft’s founders so Ubisoft can lay more developers off

Tencent and the Guillemots are the good guys in this situation? This timeline is so fucked.

The best bit? The hedge fund pitching the fit cites their long term position in Activision as providing extensive knowledge about the gaming industry.


  1. Redfeather1975

    The more I read, the more I wanted to smash my face into the desk.

  2. Far_Process_5304

    >“The main reason why the valuation is so low compared to the peers is that Ubisoft at current state is mismanaged and shareholders are hostages of Guillemot family members and Tencent who take advantage of them,” the letter reads. “Management is focused on pleasing investors with beating quarterly results and not focusing on long-term strategy to provide exceptional experience for the gamers.”

    It’s kind of funny that their reasons for wanting a takeover are the exact reasons that people on Reddit give for the industry struggling, but because it’s an investment firm saying it people are trashing them.

  3. philburg2

    Hot take, Ubi needs to cut the fat and learn to make a different, better type of game. Or just get acquired, then you’ll see even bigger layoffs and watch the IP get dragged through the mud. Everyone out here pretending the industry is healthy, but that inflation cut into most folks gaming budget so outlooks aren’t great.

  4. TheRob2D

    He’s right though? Like, everything he’s saying is true from our perspective as gamers. There are posts here all the time bashing Ubi that get heaps of upvotes but just because a hedgefund guy says the same thing we’re supposed to be against him?

    And TBF even from a money point of view he’s bang on. Can you imagine having money in Ubisoft the last few years? Like, we only invest 40-50 at a time in them and we’re disappointed. I can’t imagine what it must be like to bet a large sum of money on them.

  5. alyosha_pls

    Who else is it going to be? Did you expect the people to rise up and take over Ubisoft with stock purchases? A power to the people meme-stock type movement?

    The only people who have the power to enact leadership change at Ubisoft are other bastards. Frankly, as someone who was in love with their lightning in a bottle game Rainbow Six Siege, I think that any change in leadership is good. They are a rotten company that has really talented artists and designers that are clearly held back by management which thinks it can do color by numbers game design based on what they’ve done in the past, resulting in cookie cutter copies of games that look stunning and have absolutely no soul.

    They had a cash cow game with Rainbow Six Siege and are content to milk it dry with MTXs and battle passes knowing full well that cheating is destroying its reputation more and more each day. Empty promises to make an effort followed by silence and new skin releases.

  6. “Tencent and the Guillemots are the good guys in this situation?”

    No – it’s entirety the opposite.

  7. zer0tonine

    I don’t care, I just want new Rayman platformers

  8. ValeLemnear

    Tbh, the blame goes to all the decisionmakers who turned the company and it’s development into an assembly line to mass produce games with (essentially) old assets/tech.

    They fall into the same trap as Bethesda did except Ubisoft has no dedicated modding scene to fix a terrible base game.

  9. ShambolicPaul

    He’s saying Ubisoft/Guillemot are tanking the stock on purpose so they can buy the dip.

  10. firedrakes

    got to repost fake news dont they… 2 weeks now same story.

  11. > We cannot understand the decision-making process of current management that is focused on releasing multiple average games per year that are harming Ubisoft’s reputation among gamers community instead of focusing to provide hit games within its exceptional franchise portfolio

    Yes right

  12. Greaseball01

    Yes the company I’ll be worth so much more once it makes less games and the games it does make are a lower quality what a smart investor 🙄

  13. greythicv

    Corporate greed ruins everything. It’s like King Midas, but instead of turning everything it touches to gold, it turns it to shit.

  14. PrayingMantis25

    Ubisoft going private would be either best for the long term health of the company if they do a 180 on the quality of games they make, or will be the ruin of the company if they don’t

    Layoffs really really suck in that scenario, both for the workers and the company itsself, gets rid of a lot of talent that they need to rebuild, but it is preferable to the company going under completely, which they will if they keep going on as they are now anyways

  15. ThePurpleBandit

    I see clipping isn’t so much a glitch as it is a company culture.

  16. Hilarious that they think they can do something about Tencent.

    Good luck!

  17. ultrajvan1234

    Ah yes, fewer developers is exactly what Ubisoft needs to be successful.

    You know, because getting rid of the people making the games rather than the executives making poor decisions that are making the games shit, is absolutely a smart decision… right?

  18. If these devs are coming up with the garbage that Ubisoft has been making lately, maybe it is time they find a new company. It’s clearly not working. Also, they pitched canning the CEO too so they are holding everyone accountable.

  19. Takeasmoke

    >The hedge fund pitching the fit cites their long term position in Activision as providing extensive knowledge about the gaming industry.

    so this is same as me saying i have extensive knowledge in pulmonology just because i have chronical bronchitis

    pulmonology being gaming industry and hedge funds/shareholders being uncurable chronical illness that will eventually put end on the life of patients who are devs, studios and publishers

    also i want to add being shareholder or any high level exec in activision past 15 years (at least) should be a con not a pro

  20. amurica1138

    We’ll replace human devs with AI devs and no one will know the difference!

    The poors will buy any sh*t we want to sell them because we’re smart and they’re dumb!

  21. Culverin

    From the little I’ve observed about the games industry as an outsider, 

    It seems like you’re at the mercy of the whims of sociopath billionaires at the top that don’t care about the people at the bottom. 

    Maybe it’s worth signing on with a studio that’s signed on with a large publisher, for a decent paycheck and experience, but you’re sure as hell not getting stability. 

    Anybody with talent should be staying with a studio that self publishes. 

    I’m seeing a lot of short term gain, but long term pain. And it seems so very inhumane and toxic. 
    I wish our treasured game devs were treated better. 

  22. LifeBuilder

    >>“Management is focused on pleasing investors with beating quarterly results and not focusing on long-term strategy to provide exceptional experience for the gamers.”

    Well…yes. That **is** the problem. So management should stop trying to please the investors.

  23. Party_Bar_9853

    Video games going corporate was the worst thing to happen to the industry

  24. AdmiralThunderpants

    It’s really stupid how greedy and short sighted these people always are. “This company makes a superior product and makes lots of money! We can make more money if we have to paw fewer people! Why’s is the superior product going down with fewer people working on it in a shorter time frame? I was sold a bill of goods. This product is no good anymore. Shut it down and sell it off. That company over there makes a superior product and I want it now!”

  25. Hexatona

    when Ubisoft isn’t Ubisoft enough, what world even is this!?

  26. fortytwoandsix

    It’s not just Ubisoft – the whole gaming market has been fucked up by greedy investors who want good quarters numbers and long term strategies as well as entitled idiots who think every game needs to pander to “modern audiences”

  27. Strict1yBusiness

    Makes dog shit decisions that angers gamers for nearly a decade. Releases half baked games that are just a copy and paste of features from their existing games:

    “Instead of addressing underlying issues, we’re going to look out for our immediate self interests and just lay off people so we can sell you even more half baked games (quarter baked, if you will) and keep our profits up.”

  28. EldenJoker

    Ubisoft should just shut down, it’s been a long time since they’ve put out any good games

  29. eevee_noppv

    It’s kinda funny how when a company gets too big, they stop caring about their product quality.

    They only care about how much money they can make, and how much they can save by firing people.

  30. Lonely-Tumbleweed-56

    Ubisoft and Ubisoft are natural enemies 

    Like Ubisoft and Ubisoft 

    And Ubisoft and Ubisoft 

    Damn Ubisoft they ruined Ubisoft! 

  31. MusclyArmPaperboy

    “Can’t we do it with fewer people?” — Every investor ever

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