What is your favorite non-meta gun to use? Mine is the EM2

What is your favorite non-meta gun to use? Mine is the EM2


  1. Avg_codm_enjoyer

    Agreed! That and the M16 are my top two easily

  2. montecarlo92

    Idk what meta means can you explain?

  3. JasonRay15

    I rock the same gun as well along with Maddox

  4. Few_Run4389

    It’s still meta bro. It’s one of the top 3 3-tap ARs of the season.

  5. Gideon__Falls

    Maddux and swordfish are both fun to use

  6. MaxwellXV

    Bizon, KN, and ICR are the non metas I use. Also use Type 19, Tundra and Doctor H but I believe those three are metas.

  7. Slimy-Squid

    The FAL


  8. xNoNamesAvailablex

    Is the Krig meta? Whatever it’s been my go to since it’s release, just feels so comfortable when I’m holding it. Although it is kinda difficult in a fast ttk meta like this one.

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