
Finally getting a new Super Mario Party game in October. My favorite game to play with the wife.

7 boards and 110 mini games.


  1. RBStinky

    What’s your favourite Mario Party game?

  2. edgar9363

    When the Mario game will be come to pc.

  3. DonmeccaYYZ

    Great game series! Also my favourite to play with your wife!

  4. salman2711

    I have bought Switch only to play Mario Party.

  5. HollyLori

    his game is the bomb!!! It’s one of my favorites

  6. Laura540Young

    That’s fantastic!Super Mario Party is the ultimate test of marriage strength, right up there with assembling IKEA furniture and deciding where to have dinner.Just remember, it’s all fun and games until someone lands on a Bowser space.

  7. sloppenheimer420

    The amount of times I thought my wife was going to divorce me after I pay the big ghost 50 coins to steal her stars 😂

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