Is the legendary Manta ray worth buying? Helpp i cant decide

She's gon drop tomorrow,

My first legendary character.


  1. lolsbot360gpt

    Don’t let others decided for you when it comes to in game cosmetics. It could be the cause of regret.

    I bought it because it matches well with skins that I currently own, like mythic cx9,fennec, etc.

    When it comes to my personal ranking she places at about mid-high.

  2. Alternative-Impact-8

    Personally I love her a lot
    Been waiting for a long time
    I would say if you like her,
    Get her

  3. CSREPower

    Depends. If you love using Manta Ray often, it’s worth getting.

    Otherwise, don’t.

  4. Appropriate_Delay268

    Yes, she is .. I have that skin too.. still amazing if you ask me. Fits with my Siren Song mythic perfectly

  5. Walf_exe

    Nah, grandma voice and the sykov she comes with is mid

  6. Abnerdel

    I don’t regret buying her, but I prefer some other legendary characters more

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