Custom build life is the best life.

Custom build life is the best life.


  1. Philip_Raven

    There is nothing wrong with prebuilds. Especially when I look at half of your custom “Battlestations” (jesus, what a cringe name). 90% of you don’t know how to properly select components.

    So half of you just buys 4090 and the rest are cheap components and 20 dollar PSU

    And other half of you buys 2 generations old hardware just so you have enough money for RBG and watercooling (which your systems doesnt even need)

    and that 10% of you that actually have proper build got the components list from someone else, and in that point it’s not a custom build, because someone else chose those components for you (like a company would do if you bought prebuilds).

    If you do your research and don’t buy from shady sites, lots of prebuild are very decent and there is nothing wrong with them. Don’t be a cringe elitist, when there is 99% probability you don’t know what you are talking about and are just blindly following someone else’s ideas

  2. Yeah but the last stop for that chariot is Gotham City.

  3. BrotherTyron

    Bro is buying multiple GPU’s and CPU’s for a single custom build

    This ain’t 2014 brother your SLI bridge won’t do squat

  4. Vritrin

    There’s nothing wrong with prebuilts as long as people know what they are getting and are fine with the extra cost involved. People pay a premium to have other people do things they are capable of all the time. Very few people DIY for everything.

    Maybe they want a pc and don’t find the building process fun, or the cost savings worthwhile. Maybe they want a system they can learn on rather than starting from scratch. Nothing wrong with it.

  5. Snotnarok

    Honestly I’ve been building PCs since my first and my next one might be prebuilt.

    “But it’s cheaper, but you get more this and that”

    Guys, I’m tired. I don’t really care. I just want parts that go into the box that meet a spec. I’m tired of sitting there for an afternoon assembling everything, routing cables, installing windows and the software I need.

    My next PC, I really just want to move my old machine aside, plug in my back up, move my files, install my art software, steam and get to what I want to.

    “it’s only a few hours”
    I’m tired. I don’t care. I don’t have any fun assembling things and it’s the same thing I tell Linux fanatics who tell people to switch to linux because someone’s fan is acting weird. I just want to boot my PC up, boot my art software or game- the less I notice my hardware/OS? The better.

    I know, heresy! But I honestly just don’t care that much. Folks like showing off their rig with RGB and fancy decorated parts- sometimes a figure in it- or sometimes their glass side panel is exploded because they think working around tile is good for tempered glass.

    I just want to do things software wise and not bother with the rest.

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