
Who else remembers this classic?

Who else remembers this classic?


  1. pink_sock_parade

    Of course! They tried to make it seem like the next halo. It was not. But it did have four player co-op which was dope.

  2. the_dayman

    I remember my friend and I getting hyped for this like it would be the next Halo.

    Also just kind of funny looking back they went with a team that had 1 super unique design, and then 3 of the most generic looking 2000s humans possible.

  3. Ummm. . . classic? It’s funny as hell that this was supposed to be the “Halo Killer” (at least according to the Official Xbox Magazine) when a bunch of Bungie staff helped work on it. It was janky stuff but the squad gameplay worked okay most of the time. Pretty difficult though. It’s easy to lose a crucial teammate early on and force a restart.

  4. Gilgamesh107

    man, really wish microsoft would bring this one back

  5. ImpenetrableYeti

    Loved it as a kid and even got the novel lol

  6. Golden-Holden

    Ah yeah, that game you played till you finally got Halo

  7. No clue what that is but for some reason that reminds me of the game they played in House M.D

  8. 1One_Two2

    If you weren’t around for it the amount of hype leading up to this game cannot be overstated. Xbox severely lacked in AAA exclusives at the time and we were all starved for another game on the level of Halo and the hype train for this was real. Unfortunately it did not come close to living up to the hype but it did provide a glimmer of hope for Xbox gamers for a short period of time.

  9. Kongary

    I liked it more than most it seemed when it debuted back when. Long gone due to the frequent trade-ins but I do fondly remember some parts of it. For some reason I’m right now picturing using Brutus fighting along a path that was like around a giant Ewok/Wookie tree lol.

  10. ThatOneWitcher7700

    The redhead, yes I remember her ❤️

  11. Griffes_de_Fer


    I played Brutus, of course ! Still replay this one every few years with friends.

  12. FailedHumanEqualsMod

    I was working at EB Games at the time and there was so much hype around this. It seemed like it was going to be the next Halo. Boy was it awful.

  13. wkarraker

    Still have it, tossed in a box with other games and a functional original Xbox.

  14. H20toVino

    My Xbox live gamer tag was gonna be “brute_4ce” and my friend told me it was the name of a game, so I went with l33thal_4ce. I like the second one a lot more so thanks for making that game Microsoft’s

  15. Thank you! I remember going over to my friends house to play on his xbox and he definitely had a game where only one of the characters was a cool lizard guy. Pretty sure it was this. Awesome throwback!

  16. Jimmm90

    Fun fact – I rented this game the same night my brother introduced me to Headstrong by Trapt. I had it on repeat on the boombox in my room playing this.

  17. TheMagicStik

    I remember there was a preview of this game included on the disc of some other game and I remember it looking interesting but I never got it.

  18. 8-BitOptimist

    I couldn’t tell you a single thing about it, but I do remember having tons of fun.

  19. sansywastakenagain

    My little brother got a copy of this a few years ago. He hated it.

  20. ItsLikeAWetNapkin

    First game I got with my Xbox. Absolutely loved that game to death. Played it into the ground as a kid

  21. HanaleiEUW

    Grew up on this game and oddly enough my mum loved it too, she’ll still bring it up twenty years later lmao

  22. My friends and I played that a bunch. Good times.

  23. Coast_watcher

    Was this a launch game ? It reminded me we don’t have those anymore. I miss the days of getting a new system and the choice from a dozen or so launch games.


    I always loved there power up taglines.

    “Born man, killing machine.”

    Loved the trailer:
    “Nice shooting Tex. Do you think you could be any louder?”

    “How would you prefer it if I was dog food?”

  25. sin6869

    This game was so much fun, it’s been forever since I’ve lasted played it but I remember that the last Boss kept kicking my ass. He would kill my team and I would play as the alien in my group cause if I remember right his special had a healing factor and that was the only reason I was able to stand toe to toe with the last Boss. Good times!

  26. 3rdShiftSecurity

    Sucked without 4 people playing co-op. Only way to play! Bonus points if they actually worked as a team.

  27. JamToast789

    Holy moly!!!! I do remember now! Memories unlocked!! Thank you for sharing this!! The crocodile guy was super cool and I remember only getting as far as the wookie/ewok village looking tree level! So cool oh my God!!

  28. mickecd1989

    I actually wish they would try another one of these

  29. lubeinatube

    “The halo killer” lmao. ROFL, even.

  30. thewaynetrain

    Loved this game so freaking much. I didn’t have many games back then, so any chance I got to lure my mom into buying me an M rated game, I took it. Brute Force was awesome. One of my favorites back then.

  31. JDoGinc

    Hell ya. I remember cracking skulls with the sniper chick. Poured 100+ hours into this game.

  32. drucifer271

    I absolutely played this and was pretty disappointed.

    Then Gears of War came out and I was like “Oh yeah, this is what that game should have been.”

  33. Lawfulness4350

    Played it a couple times at a friends house and had a lot of fun with it. the Co-op was worth it I feel.

  34. Houseplant_Ambient

    It was enjoyable at the time, but yes remember playing this with my friend!

  35. TimouneBonbon

    I don’t know if it was consider a good game back then but man!!! This game is one of the game I play with my cousin and I did had a lot a fun!! Omg memories

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