
I think I’m watching the wrong debate…

I think I’m watching the wrong debate…


  1. boredelon

    They really should settle this with Mortal Kombat or something.

  2. Nooby_Chris

    Trump: “Believe me, I’m the best Halo player. Better than the top players. Everyone knows this. I know all Halo lore to. Possibly more than the Halo wiki. Trust me.”

  3. pipboy_warrior

    The Covenant is eating our dogs, they’re eating our cats!

  4. Machiavelli40

    This Looks epic. The Split Screen 1on1 not These corrupt mf‘s

  5. Advanced-Use2241

    Either way, she no-scoped his ass.

  6. Large_Man_Joe

    kamala would be accusing trump of screen peeking

    and trump would deny ever seeing a screen in his life and start talking about how the covenant have landed on earth and are eating our cats and dogs

  7. LaserGadgets

    Give trump one of those plastic lawnmower toys that make noises and take away the sniper and it fits!

  8. Technical_King_8040

    Imagine her laughing into a cheap headset 💀

  9. RemoteNews6241

    You guys are fucking with me right?

  10. LayYourGhostToRest

    Would be more accurate to have 2 other screens as well teamed with Kamala. And she gets to screen peak.

  11. Digitooth

    Should be on Octagon or battle rifles at least.

  12. PinkEyeFetish

    Damn. Brings back memories. My brother and I had a stupidly high win rate on Guardian. Well over 90%. Best halo map ever created.

  13. Prolapse94

    “1v1 me on guardian. Snipers and brs only.”

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