
$700 isn’t unprecedented

$700 isn’t unprecedented


  1. IllBehaveFromNowOn

    Honestly that’s probably what made Sony realize they could sell it for that much.

  2. $700 for the base from a scalper was a poor financial decision back then too.

  3. People paid into the $1,000 dosen’t make it right

  4. RyanandRoxy

    People are gonna be paying $1000 for a PS5 Pro from a scalper now

  5. AzureDreamer

    700$ isn’t my issue I am not buying a gaming console without a disk tray that’s simply put stupid.

  6. Linda346Lee

    True, it’s not unprecedented, but depending on what we’re talking about, it could either be a steal or highway robbery!Context is kung here.

  7. FrontMeasurement2161

    In the grand tradition of impulse buying, $700 for a glow-in-the-dark, limited-edition toaster isn’t just reasonable, it’s practically a steal!Who needs savings when you can have toast that guides you in the dark?

  8. TraditionalMood277

    Chumps, as I call them. Rubes even.

  9. mostly_sarcastic

    Buying from a scalper you know you’re going above market to purchase an in-demand product (i.e., above MSRP). Sony is trying to set a precedent of higher prices writ large (i.e., raising the base MSRP). There’s a very obvious difference between the two.

  10. elpinguinosensual

    Never give scalpers money. Ever. For anything.

  11. PayasoCanuto

    I did this 😖 but I don’t live in the US.

    I went for holidays in June 2020 and spent months trying to find one at retail price before my trip.

    Couldn’t find one and my last option was getting one at StockX. I was not going back empty handed, ps5s in my county were selling for 1300-1500

  12. the-_-best-_-

    I got mine for $650, and it was cheaper than the official sony seller price in my country

  13. Omegaprimus

    I mean I got my ps5 in February with spider-man 2 for $500 so I am okay with that.

  14. MrCrunchwrap

    Whoever did that was fucking stupid 

  15. Odd_Consideration986

    I remember people paying $1200

  16. TheDeepStateDirector

    I don’t buy digital games, I want to own my games.

  17. GrimsideB

    The difference is people were upgrading from last gen to the new gen and the difference was worth it. Unlike the new pro where the main difference is some leafs in the background look a little better.

  18. FerroLux_

    Hey, that’s unfortunately me…

    It wasn’t a scalper, I got it from a local store with a controller and Far Cry 6 (it was a new game when I bought the console so 69 euros) so I guess it’s not as bad as getting it from a scalper…?

  19. ICPosse8

    lol yah I paid $800 a couple weeks after it released and then it took like 2.5 years to reliably find one in stores. I still don’t regret doing what I did.

  20. QuietGiygas56

    If you paid a scalper that’s on you

  21. Disgracefulgregg

    Sony needs people to get another stimmy

  22. faultywiring98

    I have a gaming pc, mid tier – and I have an xbone and just got a ps4 this year.

    It’ll probably be another couple of years till I get a ps5, and I’ll likely just get the slim on a sale or something.

  23. HotQuietFart

    Correct me if i’m wrong, they don’t profit from selling consoles.

  24. droideka75

    Scalper will be affected by “inflation” AKA “Greed” so ecpect to sell the pro for 1500~1700

  25. Arslanmuzammil

    Its not about that its a small upgrade over ps5 and they are charging so much

  26. Lil-Red

    Crazy idea… stop buying consoles. PC’s are more affordable than you might think, and on top of that plenty of sites offer payment plans for their pre-built pc’s.

  27. shinmegumi

    <_< that awkward moment when you paid more than $750 for a ps5 from same said scalper…

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