pretty clean 5 shot deagle ace

pretty clean 5 shot deagle ace


  1. Ambitious-Cheetah841

    the in-game audio had to be recorded through a GOTV demo – enemy flashbang comms, lack of vc from a teammate, and the surrender pop up not giving any sound either

  2. uninformed-but-smart

    Surrender vote by teammates and you did that? Jesus.

    Peak male fantasy stuff. W post.

  3. Always funny to see people doing these crazy plays always have the lowest Server recv margin. It feels like the playerbase is constantly divided. People who have 50-70 ms and then people like you with 7 ms. Even watching s1mple you can see he has 50-70 ms most of the time and hes completly struggeling with cs2 (compared to being literly unbeatable in cs go). But meh. Valve don’t care. Then you watch Donk videos and hes on 6ms and hits everything (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8UijyxPBkk). Its actually incredible sad because there is literly nothing you can do but get rekt. Feels always like you are 3-4 ticks behind everybody else. And nobody seems to give a fuck 🙂

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