Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

I played Black ops 6 and it is worse than Black Ops 4

I was always a huge fan of black ops 4 .I somehow enjoyed it more than Black ops 3. The only thing which I liked about bo3 more is zombies. This game feels like a Modern warfare reskin rather than being a black ops game. Bow trust me ho6 is fun to play but for me I had more fun playing bo4 and had a constant stable connection in it while in Bo6 I usually got many packet bursts in some match ups even tho my internet was working properly. Another complaint is that the maps are even more smaller than nuktown or they feel like. I only played the core moshpit tho didn't played the faceoff maps. Another element being is that to get decent kills in the game you have to play super sweaty since sbmm ifykyk. Also there is alot of motion blur in this game even when disabled and guns also feel wacky. The only reason it is fun for me is because of omni movement.

The best play above is mine.

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