As i said in other videos “I am not a very good player” …. but i like to play 1 man squad ( over 2000 hours in this mode). So when i do i usually hide as much as i can. But when i have no choice ….

As i said in other videos “I am not a very good player” …. but i like to play 1 man squad ( over 2000 hours in this mode). So when i do i usually hide as much as i can. But when i have no choice ….


  1. Turbulent-Owl-3391

    Your blue zone/health pack play gave me unnecessary anxiety.

    Well played.

  2. Own_Detail3500

    I love the last ditch desperation. But you could’ve been well boosted (there’s a booster on the ground if you’re worried about supply) before fighting at all. And lots of opportunity to sneak in more meds 🙂 Good shit though.

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