Call of Duty: Zombies

Treyarch is officially washed like the rest

how can they fumble even a simple unique home screen. Lazy asf.


  1. Middle_Beyond_5894

    Yup. It will never be the same again.

  2. hidden-hat

    Black Ops 1-3 each had zombies screens which showed off something memorable. In the case of 2 and 3, it was something directly related to the story itself. Scorched earth/debris in space for Black Ops 2, sitting around the camp fire in Black Ops 3. Black Ops 1 going for a warped, zombies version of the normal loading screen which is typically associated with the campaign was a perfect choice. Overall, these main menu screens are soulful.

    All three of them draw from the story of the games in some way to build immersion, even though you’re just in the main menu. It’s why I’ll always be weirded out when people complain about how “people want zombies to be like old zombies”. Well, yes – old zombies had more effort put into it, even in the moments where it failed. So yes, I’d take that over mediocre zombies any day.

  3. thegodlypenguin2

    People can say this isn’t a big deal, and maybe they’re right, but its the little things that make these experiences memorable. These new menus lack personality. BO2’s destroyed earth will always be my favorite.

  4. SamRaimi17

    The fact that it unironically says “round based” 💀 just have it say zombies

  5. SamRaimi17

    It’s so fucking over it’s actually sad

  6. YourS_E_N_S_E_I

    I’m convinced the higher ups at activision are mandating menus be identical between games. The only people that would find this style of menu good is someone who’s not playing the games.

  7. Leo-M-DELETED

    **Imagine mw3 having a better lobby than this**💀

  8. ItsChris_8776_

    Why do they insist on having the most boring UI in existence? I feel like a strong but simple UI like we’ve had in almost every other Black Ops game doesn’t take that much extra time to do.

    I stg they’re trying to make their game have no personality

  9. Hawthm_the_Coward

    But wait, the background has a seventh version of Damned playing! See, it’s totally legit!

  10. They will likely change the theme to zombies when it releases, im pretty sure about it because even vanguard and MWZ had at least little changes.

    Too bad it will likely be just the same walk animations from mp with a different scenary, i wish/hope it would be its own thing.

  11. AverageMajulaEnjoyer

    There’s no way that the BO6 zombies pre game lobby looks like this, I refuse to believe, I said that I was going to try be positive about bo6 but this just makes it even harder if true… 😢

  12. Toyfan1

    Black ops zombies is literally the same menu as multiplayer and campaign.

    Just with an orange hue. I know for a fucking fact, if bo6z had the same menu just with an orange hue, all of you would *still* say its not enough and the older games were better

  13. Expert_Reward_720

    Why does it specifically say “Round Based”

  14. Tobey4SmashUltimate

    Then play something else. At this point it really is as simple as stop crying or get out. Crying on the internet isn’t going to change anything, especially since 9 out of 10 of the people crying about this shit is drooling over their gamestop preorder confirmation. You can still play old zombies. You can go play Killing Floor 2 even. New Zombies isn’t what you want, and it’s not going to be what you want. And anytime anyone points this shit out the community goes rabid and dogpiles them.

    Downvote me. Prove me right.

  15. PARRISH2078

    I find it Crazy That zombies could get so low in style that even ww2 zombies beats it

  16. PBandJ-Plays

    Anyone else kinda annoyed how hard they push the “ROUND BASED” shit in all promotion of the game? Every post is something like “come experience the brand new ROUND BASED ZOMBIES EXPERIENCE in black ops 6” now it’s literally above the map name like it shouldn’t be a fuckin given zombies should be round based

  17. Conklin34

    They had 4 years. 4 f*****g years. What did they use that time on? It was developing micro transactions. The hype was real for this installment, now I think im ready to say good bye.

  18. JustdoitJules

    As you flip through, each menu gets worse and worse 😭

  19. ninja_shooter

    4 years to make this menu. I’m hoping they were just grinding out good zombies content and forgot about the menu and then were like “yo it’s almost release time, what if we just copy paste all the mp shit and throw the word zombies somewhere on the screen, players will barely notice cause they are dumb and will buy whatever the fuck we put out”

  20. ScoutGolf52

    At least we got the walking menu back, but yeah it’s sad

  21. Better-Sort-6085

    If BO6 zombies doesn’t have classic mode, even post launch, I’m done with COD. Zombies was the only thing keeping me staying and they have not done a good job at convincing me to keep buying their games. SBMM & EOMM ruined multiplayer and now warzone/catering to a different audience has ruined zombies

  22. Tacothekid

    I remember when the hype train was full when Revelations came out…that was peak for me. NoahJ, MrDalekJD, MRROFLWAFLES…all came together to find the ending, and the Easter Egg steps…man, do I miss those days. I was there when NoahJ got copywrite striked by “Some dummy who thinks this is funny”… Man, do I miss those days. These new Zombies menus suck, as does the game itself

  23. SevereIndication7847

    I forgot like 50% of this sub bitch and moans all the time

  24. DDDystopia666

    This exemplifies what I dislike most about recent zombies – no personality, bland, multiplayer/warzone focused

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