Cyberpunk 2077

If you wanted to change something from River as a character, what would it be?

If you wanted to change something from River as a character, what would it be?


  1. GreggsAficionado

    Rewrite the entire character from a woman’s perspective

  2. MadameDecay

    He should have had a few more gigs, like two more after the one where you initially meet him, so that if you’re playing as Femme V, there’s a chance to get to know him so the romance isn’t so rushed. And then like maybe one or two gigs that come between the one with his nephew and the dinner gig. Better pacing would have made a difference.

  3. Inner_Confidence_281

    An option to talk about my relationship status so that when I go to the cookout it’s not sad to sit through as a female v “I just want your gun bro”

  4. Anokata4657

    Not sell him as the type of guy that thinks “I’m a good family man so a woman should appreciate that and be okay with me wanting to marry her after 3 days”.

    An exaggeration of course but this whole family dinner with his sister pushing her brother onto you and asking about your future relationship plans was awkward.

  5. Tarushdei

    The romance plotline that was axed for whatever it was we got.

  6. Maelstrom-Brick

    Replace him with a talking manatee!

  7. Local_Amergency_8352

    I personally wanted all romance characters to at least have new interactions on the apartment dates, so maybe a few voice lines and activities in the apartment.

  8. WitchOfUnfinished-

    That he can be a male v love interest considering he’s heavy flirting with you 99.9999% of his quest line then at the last second he’s like uh no

  9. DeftestY

    I wish his demeanor was different as Male V after the cookout 💀.

  10. Doormatjones

    River is my Chocolate Labrador puppy so… maybe just make him a bit less clingy but that would feel dishonest :3

  11. CoverHelpful1247

    He should have been more connected to the main story .

  12. JonBoah

    More story for him and let him join you on the Arasaka raid. He joins the Afterlife as a merc but still is a pi

  13. Painscythe

    Sorry but there’s just so much that I would love to entirely replace him.

  14. whichpinballmachine

    I’d have V be able to reject him before he gets her alone on top of a water tower. All the romances need that change imo, like to be able to express that V isn’t interested before it even gets to the point of rejecting a kiss

  15. ThanksIllustrious671

    More missions. It’s what makes Judy and panam better romance options. You actually gain some attachment with them due to them being apart of the main story. River is just there. No ending options include him at all. You save his nephew and do one job with him and they expect you to care about him. If River had some more investigation missions with V I think we would all think better of him. It also would have been a way to have some different gameplay of being a sort of detective with him.

  16. Mr_Badger1138

    Honestly aside from stretching out his romance a little bit longer, the only thing I’d change is getting rid of that hideous looking pimp coat of his. I hate that thing. 🤣

  17. _J0hnD0e_

    His flirting skills. Bruh goes from helping me find who killed the mayor to meeting his family within 2 quests.

  18. I’m sorry but his giant freaky robot eye

  19. jl_theprofessor

    Longer storyline to get to know him better in the leadup to the romance. You literally meet him three times, for the original Animals gig, then to rescue his nephew, and finally the romance. That second meeting to third meeting, a whole romance is rushed between texts and calls. No other romance character gets so quickly rushed through.

  20. Yukarie

    There is nothing wrong or bad with him as a character or his family, it’s just that the devs did him a bit dirty by making his route seem rushed/ too fast to be interested in him

  21. Charlie_Approaching

    I would add a side quest between I fought the law and the hunt, and a side quest between the hunt and following the river, it feels like V’s relationship with River is rushed, I mean, you meet Judy in act 1, then you have few main quests with her where you save Evelyn, after that you get side quests with Judy where you, a merc with… basically cancer, help her for free (if you want), with Panam, you meet her (kinda) on a job too, you agree to risk your life just to kill Nash, you work together to catch Helman for a while, you help her LITERALLY SAVE SAUL for free and she gives you a gun anyway, you have side quests where you help Aldecaldos, again, for free, as a superhuman merc with cancer, meanwhile with River you meet the guy on a job too, that’s alright, it’s a great quest to introduce River as a character, you get to know him a little, after that you help him save his family member once and suddenly in the next side quest he’s in love, also, I’m not complaining about kids shipping River and V, they’re kids, that’s normal, but is it just me or it feels… I don’t know, rushed? I mean the fact that River falls in love after meeting you TWICE, and I’ve noticed that the game treats you 2 like you’re friends in the hunt I mean, you’re basically a merc that he met once that agreed to help him, you’re not friends, like, with other options when I was playing the game I didn’t feel like it’s rushed or something, but in River’s questline it feels like there’s a side quest missing

    besides that? idk, the option to tell River as fem V “bruh I’m gay” lmao

  22. ODST_Parker

    Slow him the hell down. His gigs are way too rushed, and the character (and potential romance) suffers for it. Then there’s not much to do with him afterwards. Should have more gigs, and should be given more time to grow.

    I know I’m a Panam supremacist, and that it’s a bit unfair, considering she’s an integral part of an entire ending, but River is *nothing* compared to her, and not even much compared to Judy. I haven’t seen much of Kerry’s romance, but I can’t imagine it’s worse.

  23. Significant_Tree_159

    I would just completely delete him

  24. AlisonSandraGator

    Nothing, I think he is perfect.

  25. NoCourt5510

    Replace that god damn cookout mission. I loathe having to play that….

  26. Friendly-Ranger3613

    For that romance scene to be anywhere else but a wall away from Joss’s kids… 💀

  27. AhiruSaikou

    Give him literally any amount of charisma.

  28. Therealblue1776

    Honestly, I don’t get the hate for River. Whenever I’m female V I always romance him

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