Why is there so much misinformation about liquid metal?

Hi guys! I've been lurking for a while now on this subreddit and have done a bunch of research on liquid metal from various sources for weeks now. I recently ordered some for myself and am waiting for it! I'm planning on delidding a Ryzen 5 3600XT and direct die cooling it with liquid metal. I'm doing this to test whether I'd want to do the same for my next build since this one is due for replacement since it's so dated.

Now, a bunch of videos regarding liquid metal get randomly suggested to me on my YT feed because of all the related videos I watched. And I often get click-baited into checking them (womp-womp), but I find it interesting that a bunch of them contain misinformation.

Off the top of my head, they commonly cite liquid metal as "amalgamating" with copper, destroying it over time and causing irreparable damage. Or, better yet, how liquid metal does "nothing" regarding performance. If I searched for it, there would probably be more misinformation out there, but these are just the ones I can readily recall. They just flat-out go against the empirical data that people like Gamers Nexus, Optimum, der8auer, and How-FixIT have.

The YouTubers mentioned all have videos and tests showing similar results to each other, contrary to all the misinformation out there.

So why? Why is there so much misinformation? I can't understand it. There are so many publicly available and easily digestible videos to educate yourself on liquid metal, yet many videos and people still make incorrect claims regarding liquid metal. I just don't get it!

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