How many hours are on your hdd?

This things on 'er last leg


  1. TheBigLaddle

    Damn I didn’t even know or you could check, I would have loved to see my hours for my 11 year old hard drive I had.

  2. SuperChickenLips

    I’ve had my pc for over 10yrs now. Somehow, despite me having the same drives, my boot SSD shows 20k hours, but my other two HDD’s show way more; one is at 53700hrs and the other 39200hrs. How are they different? Also, thanks for the tip about crystaldiskinfo. ❤️

  3. Lunatic3k

    [One of my oldest HDDs](https://i.imgur.com/kKxtzPd.png). Spinning almost non-stop since i got it (in 3 different systems). I don’t think it has a lot of life left in it, it only holds an extra copy of unimportant stuff.

  4. kazuviking

    Only 2 years 362 days on the portable usb hdd and 5 years 230 days on a 120gig sata ssd that survived 4 pc upgrades.

  5. Proud_Purchase_8394

    I have 15 drives each with around 45k hours

  6. HentaiSeishi

    My Sabrent Rocket 4.0 Plus is at 91% at 1 Year 193 Days and 17 Hours run

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