
In a few days, it’ll be 14 years since Halo Reach was released and it still looks incredible

The attention to detail that the Bungie artists put into every corner of this game is incredible, especially the Spartan armor that you see in this picture. The more realistic military aesthetic approach they went with in Reach fits perfectly. Everything from the armor, weapons, vehicles, and even the environments are great.

I just recently replayed through the game on Heroic for the first time in several years and it was enjoyable. Heroic offers the perfect sense of balance when it comes to this game’s difficulty.


  1. Red-Panda-enjoyer

    Loved that game

    Especially the customizing

  2. ekim_101

    Just recently beat it for the first time on the MCC on PC. It definitely felt like a culmination of everything Bungie had learned until then. That final mission with the hold out actually caught me so off guard I was dead within fifteen seconds. Didn’t even realize it was a mission.

    And what an ending. We all knew it was coming from the rest of the series but the way it all played it was just amazing. The crew going down one by one and the pure desperation was palpable. Amazing game. I think I still prefer 3 because that was a cultural zeitgeist moment for me and Halo, but Reach is more than likely the pinnacle of the series


    > “Still looks incredible”
    > proceeds to post the screenshot with the biggest amount of bloom and washed out colors the game allows.

  4. jadeismybitch

    The gameplay never was as good for me on Reach but we still had very fun lans with friends. Nothing will ever beat halo 3 lans though

  5. I finished it recently for the first time. Objective Survive

  6. Vo1itiveB1ack

    To this day the best Halo game there is. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. Grimm-Soul

    Halo reach was the last game that literally made my jaw drop multiple times throughout the story.

  8. mrbalaton

    I don’t like the franchise that much. First two games are bland overrated console tripe that don’t have story, great leveldesign or even great enemies.
    Halo 3 turned things around massively for me(online co op baby) and was a formidable game in it’s own right.

    Reach however, is a stone cold classic i can replay anyday of the week. The campaign is ace from start to finish. Not to mention the crazy fun to be had with Firefight mode at max difficulty.

    Wish the franchise wasn’t so hard up it’s own ass and was just more lighthearted with that playmobile type look. Would have loved to see a parody type game from the perspective of one of the Grunts for example.

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