My i7 13650HX Asus Rog Strix laptop CPU P-Cores doesn’t go over 3.8

There is no throttling it stays around 60W with -150mV undervolt it should at least try to hit 4+ it was before but something happened and it doesnt work and doesnt heat at all. Heat is not an issue it was max hitting like 85 and it was fine.

Can someone help me ?

I have tried disabling and restoring defaults with XTU but it doesnt change anything.

System info: https://i.imgur.com/93EfNmi.pn

My overall setup for undervolting;


Stress Test: https://i.imgur.com/0tz1cPC.png

Benchmark running: https://i.imgur.com/rT3VbJf.png

Default XTU setup;



Test with default: https://i.imgur.com/EMdMeNz.png

Benchmark with default: https://i.imgur.com/V1OdNBk.png

What i have tried meantime UXTU and that dont work at all

Throttlestop dont work undervolt at all

Uninstalled Armoury Create and using G-Helper now

I wasn't really checking but i started to feel a bit slow and i checked now and it run on low GHz and i have no idea why

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