
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines …even after all these years, this mission still manages to creep me out

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines …even after all these years, this mission still manages to creep me out


  1. Particular_Piece304

    Ahh, Bloodlines, a masterpiece that still sends shivers down my spine! Which mission got you? Ocean House Hotel, by any chance? That place is a master class in horror. Makes me check over my shoulder every time I hear a floorboard creak at night.

  2. ShambolicPaul

    Really tho? Its pretty hokey. Not even easy karma. Barely anybody here will even know what this game was.

  3. Full-Hamster-9303

    Great game. The cutscenes and some of the animations were quite janky though

  4. DShot90

    They say every time someone post’s about Bloodline, a redditor reinstalls it.

    *starts downloading Bloodlines*

  5. EmptyCupOfWater

    I haven’t played the game but I believe in positive reinforcement. Thanks for putting the game name in the title

  6. One of the two times in the game I didn’t feel like a bad ass vampire. The other of course being the werewolf encounter.

  7. onthegrind7

    Grout’s Mansion and the Prosthetic guys’ office (Gimble) are both notable locations which are also very eerie and creepy.

  8. Dim-Mak-88

    This is one of those games that I somehow didn’t play back in the day. And I played a lot of PC games. I guess you really can’t play them all.

  9. secretsaucebear

    This game. The memories. No game has even gotten close to delivering me the beautifully unsettling vibe that this game oozes of throughout. I want to be excited about the sequel, but I’m quite worried, judging by the gameplay shown so far. Here’s hoping.

  10. SarlacFace

    I’m usually a complete bitch when it comes to horror games but Ocean House was always pretty chill to me. 

    Come to think of it, I guess I just ain’t afraid of no ghost.

  11. JohnnyJacknbox

    Game will be 20 years old this November. I feel old.

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