Call of Duty: Zombies

As a big fan of Roman and Greek mythology I’m always gonna be disappointed we didn’t get to continue more of Chaos’s story

As a big fan of Roman and Greek mythology I’m always gonna be disappointed we didn’t get to continue more of Chaos’s story


  1. AxelNoir

    I know BO4 zombies is (or was?) the black sheep of zombies when it came out and all. Technical issues and gameplay mechanics aside I absolutely loved the new Chaos crew and story, how it managed to do something different with Roman and Greek mythology and integrate it into zombies.

    I’ve been fascinated by such mythology since I was a kid so this instantly got me hooked and I thought it was a great change of pace from the Aether crew at the time. Just sad we didn’t get to see more, seeing as how they clearly had more planned for the story and more awesome maps 🙁

  2. SwiftyAintNifty

    Was so disappointed we never got a true ending for Chaos. Genuinely has my favorite maps out of Bo4

  3. StephanMan

    I genuinely enjoyed Bo4 and absolutely loved the chaos maps, maybe a bit more than most other maps from zombies.
    I still hold a small amount of hope we will someday get a continuation.

  4. Manlet5

    In my opinion, chaos maps had PEAK atmosphere. I love the unique and quirky settings they pulled off as opposed to the majority of maps that are set in boring facilities.

  5. Kyro_Official_

    I get Chaos wasn’t the best received, but they really should have continued with that instead of beating the dead horse that is the Aether.

  6. SHBxSpenco

    Chaos was just starting to heat up too. It’s a shame it never got to be fully fleshed out. Ancient Evil was such a fucking cool map

  7. OffensiveKalm

    I didnt feel those maps at first(except titanic) but im starting more and more to want to give it a try

  8. mase138

    I totally agree ! I think the maps would have been in some more super cool places . They just had the freedom to go anywhere. I honestly would have loved chaos continuing. Codenamepizza talks on his streams sometimes saying that treyarch had a ton planned for the story . Like so many maps but now it’s just what could have been sadly .

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