Call of Duty: Zombies

You can create a hypothetical “perfect” Zombies mode, but only using parts from non-Treyarch entries (IW, WW2, Exo-Zombies, MWZ, let’s throw in Extinction). What gameplay features you take and from which entry?

You can create a hypothetical “perfect” Zombies mode, but only using parts from non-Treyarch entries (IW, WW2, Exo-Zombies, MWZ, let’s throw in Extinction). What gameplay features you take and from which entry?


  1. JediMasterCornCob

    Extinction (I loved it so much)

  2. Giganteblu

    i would make mwz but whit the criptid from extincion

  3. BrokenSpartan23

    This would be close to what I think would be fun

    Weapons – AW

    Characters – IW

    Pack a Punch – IW

    Perks – IW

    Map feel – AW/IW

    Abilities – AW

    Wonder Weapons – MWZ

    Movement – MWZ/AW (depends on which category exo suit is in)

  4. Hawthm_the_Coward

    My dream game has the core gameplay of IW, but with the aesthetic, weaponset, perks and more changing for each map. That’d work with my dream story, too.

    Map #1: Killer Clown 3D, a silly and fun IW experience that teaches you what you need to know

    Map #2: Disco Devil, another IW experience with the egg revealing Willard’s plan to gather helpers from his other films

    Map #3: Rites of the Reich, a gritty WWII experience with Geistschild, blitzes, and intimidating atmosphere and specials

    Map #4: Departure, a mechanistic AW experience with Exo suits, objectives, and a vast intimidating desert

    Map #5: Sign of the Cross, a trip between two films in flux as you attempt to recruit Samantha from a Ghosts cryptid-infested world, and Diego from a Chaos Roman encampment

    Map #6: Nightmare Summer, a combination of all experiences in an effort to kill off Meph for good and crack the seal to freedom

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