Call of Duty: Warzone

[MWR] I miss 2020 Warzone :,)

[MWR] I miss 2020 Warzone :,)


  1. Broke-Moment

    For context, my parents had called me and I was AFK for a solid 5 minutes. Came back just in time lol

    I do also just miss everything about the game back then. Easily my BR of choice during the lockdown

  2. pneumoniahawk519

    Well with the old system kind of coming back with BO6 integration and Verdansk dropping early 2025 it’ll be the closest to OG warzone. I’m looking forward to it all slowly (hopefully) coming back

  3. Dull-Caterpillar3153

    Really looking forward to BO6 Verdansk.

    With them changing the systems to make it more like OG Warzone (no backpacks for example) I’m quietly optimistic

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