Call of Duty: Zombies

What happened to pap camos

Black op 1 – black ops 3 had such good pap camo’s but in bo6 the pap camo is just so bad


  1. Zaotastic

    Terminus’s camo looks pretty nice, but yeah this one is

    Interesting to say the least

  2. Maximum_Impressive

    Agreed liberty falls looks like can oh beans

  3. Bknubis

    WaW, Bo1 and Bo2 are forever my favorite.

  4. WhaleMelon

    Have you seen Terminus’ pap camo? It’s pretty good and I wouldn’t subject all of bo6 to have bad pap camos. They’re probably going to add one or two more like they did for Cold War + zombies mastery camo so it won’t be that bad!

  5. PresentInsect4957

    i think they had to make it over the top flashy to appeal to multiplayer camo grind people bo3+

  6. Admirable-Design-151

    BO3 PaP camos were kinda dogshit, especially on Chronicles

  7. WeirdoBoyoWuTang

    I think this it the most valid complaint, it’s really bad. Surely they aren’t proud of it? I haven’t seen a single positive comment about this camo

  8. TyronnicPoppy40

    I’m sure the beans camo will get replaced. But I do like the style on the accents

  9. ErikTheDon

    WAW is the best PAP camo and it’s not even close. I hate the neon ones we get now

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