
Black & White (2001) open source game engine sees a first release

Black & White (2001) open source game engine sees a first release


  1. SummerIntelligent207

    My god ! I love this game ! I’ve played it all my childhood !

  2. Benand2

    I spent too many hours as a child stroking my creature

  3. i loaded this game up a few months ago just to verify it could be done. then i remembered how tedious and lengthy the tutorial part is

  4. FacetiousTomato

    As cool as this project is, I think we desperately need either a modern remake, or a ripoff game that is pretty much the same but new IP.

    Some studio needs to see the potential in the genre – particularly for VR.

  5. certifiedintelligent

    Oooooooooooohhhhhh, we’ve got this notion

  6. Porkcutlet01

    Black and white 2 is the game which had a 512 mb ram requirement but I only had a computer with 256 mb ram.

    Still I played all the islands I could even with the stuttering.. Couldn’t clear the 3rd Japanese Island tho.. The one where the two brothers are against you together and them triggering earthquakes on a daily basis.

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