FPS Games

Space Marine 2 Is The Antidote To Modern Games*

Sometimes a game forces you to stop and see the big picture. For me, that game is Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.
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  1. Thank the God Emperor. I needed the news about this game to be good. See you on the battlefield, brothers. We march for Macragge! For courage and honor! For Guilliman! FOR THE EMPEROR!

  2. Now we only need Amazon . to shut the hell up. and let Henry Cavill Cook ! and let the guy give us a movie we all want!! just like SM2 is the game we al wanted!

  3. I purchased 2 copies of the $100 version for my wife and myself. The campaign was glorious and emotional for us being fans of 40k. We finished the game on release day, and it was worth every dollar.

  4. Have a funny issue in the game where if a Specific friend joins my game.I crash and vice versa. But I can join my other friends just fine no crashes.

  5. I paid $80 to get Space Marine 1 on steroids and that's exactly what they delivered. Not one mission has been boring or tedious. So anyone complaining about lack of content or QOL options can wait for a sale and be spoiled watching videos of us playing some of the coolest action scenes I've seen in years.

    DICE and Battlefield were my favorite until BF2042 fiasco, but now Saber and Warhammer are becoming my #1 trusted products

  6. It's 8:23 AM in Europe om the 7th of September.
    The game isn't fully released yet and there are 89,459 Players online according to Steamdb.

  7. Imagine leaving a negative review for the game missing wide screen support when you were told it wouldn't be there 😂😂😂 entitlement of the highest order

  8. It’s funny how because people like war hammer, they completely excuse the fact that the servers are an abomination, the pvp mode is garbage, you have to pay 30 dollars extra just to play it right now, and the campaign is only 8 hours.

  9. Very similar situation to age of mythology retold that just came out. I paid for the advance access just because they also offer 2 expansions later. If it was only about a week earlier gaming I wouldn't even think about it.

  10. There’s no way in hell I’m paying 30 bucks for a few days easy access. That’s fiendish practice imo and needs to be stamped out. The only way to stop it is for people to somehow realise they’re literally throwing their cash away to feed their uncontrollable hype.

  11. I am actually in favor of advanced access being just that, only advanced access, not any other content locked behind a paywall or tempting users with exclusive stuff on preorders etc so this warhammer deal seems like an absolute W. Regular people don't need to buy it as they're not missing anything and hardcore fans can enjoy it a bit earlier by basically tipping the devs/game company.

  12. I want this game so bad. It looks so fun… but I absolutely REFUSE to support GW in any way. The only way corpos learn is through their pockets… and it is pretty sad to me that people aren’t willing to see the bigger picture. But… depending on what I see I may actually purchase it. As long as they don’t shoehorn anything stupid into it, which from what I have seen it surprisingly doesn’t seem like it despite the lead writer or whatever being who they are.

  13. There are some major major flaws with the game, the experience really can feel repetitive and shallow when you play it for a few days straight. The AI is almost non existent, basically an RTS select all attack move fare, your SM allies might as well not be there, very long levels filled with copy pasted encounters. You will fight 99% gaunts and tyranid warriors throughout the game. And when you do fight something new and unique… there will always be warriors interrupting your ability to really enjoy the boss fight. Ranged weapons are incredibly anemic on higher difficulties which skews the ranged melee balance to make melee about 10x as good as ranged gameplay for staying alive but there are ranged only encounters in the game. It goes on and on, there are major major flaws with the core gameplay loop. That said, it PERFECTLY captures a space marine story and the world is immersive and beautiful. Is this the game for the dark souls super gamer looking for a rewarding challenge like me? No. But if you turn the difficulty down and just enjoy being a stompy invincible space marine with great dialogue, as a 40k fan, its 10/10 for that.

  14. I played Space Marine 1 for many many years, my son then got 2 years use from it too and he loves it, Eternal Crusade was greatest letdown of all time, Space marine 2 was the Emperors light, with more DLC, enemys and wpns and unit classes.. all I will be buying, we will be playing this for another 13 years. all will be good. Im just glad it worked out. also me and my son now play SM 2, he is on playstation and im on PC, we are having some laugh playing it. you are spot on Bellular, slán

  15. "The antidote to modern games"? I find this a peculiar statement as, from what I can see, aside from technical advancements, the gameplay is identical to the first game. I'm sure it's a good game, but I can't help but feel that the absence of any decent competition is making people elevate this game to undeserved heights.

  16. as someone not into warhammer, this felt like too much glazing. i mean in the nicest way but it put me off. I get enjoying the fandom and being hard on your fav fandom but the most toxic thing to do is look over any complaints from being madly in love with your fandom. any valid complaints like the epic stuff or performance is swatted away like its someone saying "i feel cold" in alaska. This was so one sided its put me off looking into the game anymore.

  17. helldivers got destroyed for trying to get people to agree to PSN terms of service and this game because its "optional" for cross play which is a big selling point, for this game its ok? It doesn't make sense. a huge percentage of people want to play this game cross play and its ok in this case for some reason…

  18. The game plot looks like it's not finished, and I'm afraid it's justa bait for you to swallow, so you swallow geh content later.

  19. the amount of glazing people are giving this game is hilarious when on the same week they trashed outlaws for early access when you actually get later DLC for that price. the community is hilarious. outlaws is nearly double the play time if not triple but people hate it because ubisoft. PC Gamer still gave it a 60, 60 is not a good review score lol!

  20. I want this game but from a Imperial Guard point of view, where you die every two minutes but the battle goes on because you merely switch to a new point of view.

  21. Nah, it's still infested with the cancer, they just happened to make a good game on top of it (by copying an already existing good game).

  22. One criticism I simply cannot agree with is the negative reviews of this game due to the lack of ultrawide support. First of all, I believe the ultrawide community doesn’t even realize how small they actually are. 🙂 Second, I can't imagine preordering a game for €90-100, and then caring so little about it that, even after the developers communicated at least 2-3 weeks before release that ultrawide support would come later, people still missed that information. I mean… dude, seriously?

    Another thing many people seem to be missing is that the Warhammer 40k universe has its own well-established world with incredible lore. Criticizing the game for a "lack of emotions," or a lack of diversity in terms of ethnicity and skin color, just doesn’t make sense. I know it's become expected for every game to feature the whole spectrum of diversity these days, but in this case, it’s just not relevant.

  23. Thing that puts me off is the short campain. I dont care about the multiplayer, only reason ill pick this up is for the campain coop. £55 for an 8 hour game… id want at least 14-16 hours.

    Maybe ill wait till xmas or something and pick it up for cheaper, even though it looks awesome.

  24. Give me an iron hands expansion with my boys yelling out the litany of iron as you squash bugs and you'll get GOTY

  25. IGN and PC Gamer didn't get the normal backhander payment that they get from EA and Activision.

  26. Who’d have thought that a cool, masculine, visually stunning game would sell to an audience of both men and women. Crazy times we live in.

  27. The advanced access is a dubious and manipulative practice.
    You get "only" four days but it just happens to cover the weekend so if you have work or school and can't play much next week, the launch date might as well be a week later for you.
    And if you do buy it, you're paying half more to play the version with the most issues that can literally be a game-stopper.
    But hey, one's gotta monetize everything and the other has to get to the shiny *now*.

  28. why you lying the game not so great it's ok just need more fixing custimizable is limited for example when play the campain armor like i said limited the video sense on your character armor is normal as in dos not show.
    Even the DLC armor dos not show in the video just the normal armor after the game finish theres nothing even the frist armor witch look cool you have earn it in pvp or pve but still campain needs fixed.

  29. For TB to be remembered after so many years really emphasizes the true impact he had on the industry and us as gamers.

  30. Booted the game, no Issue.. Checked controls… changed a bunch (KB/M) played for hours without issue at all.. Love it! its just a classic ol 3rd person game and that is fine.. its very lore accurate and detailed. fun coop romp.

  31. This game would have benefited from horde mode on release. It’s been announced, but it would have made for a better value proposition to have at launch.

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