Counter-Strike 2

Pro CS2 Player Teaches Spray Control to Viewer

Pro CS2 Player Teaches Spray Control to Viewer

#CS2 #cs2clips #counterstrike #counterstrike2 #csgo #faceit


  1. You know, maybe if you saw it the first time you'd be confused and need an answer, but goddamn, watch for 60 seconds and you'll discover this thing called recoil.

  2. Fair question most other games make your reticle match the recoil pattern if they’ve never played cs it just looks like you’re aiming at their feet.

  3. yeah as someone who played a lot of cod and bf i was so confused about that…. "why do i not hit shit? im right on target?" xD

  4. I remembered playing cs and headshoting someone, while shooting almost at their legs lol

  5. It’s called recoil control and it’s on every game ever every weapon has a set recoil pattern some the same for all guns some each individual gun

  6. I've always found this mechanic a bit weird. Guns don't really work that way and this particular mechanic isn't intuitive unless you happen to read about it or have someone show you.

  7. If i said spray control on Siege id immediately be hit by one if not multiple men saying "pause". Admittedly, if im feeling goofy I'd say the same😂

  8. imagine u have to tell some one in the year 2024 how cs works … so sad … go back to Valorant

  9. Its almost as if the recoil physics make sense

    Because they do, maybe they aren't weapon accurate, but this is an arcade type shooter, so it doesn't have to be

  10. Im still new to csgo too. Some lobbies are unplayable for me cause of how good some people aim is 😂

  11. He was prolly a console gamer used to the screen its self moves up with the recoil with the reticle and everything but i think thats cool and didnt know thats how they did recoil in csgo

  12. IS THIS QUESTION REAL ? wtf how old is this kid 5,,,,,, adjust aiming since bf2 wtf. What is wrong with this noob generation

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