maniac reactives his twitter and responds to the allegations that he isnt beaintg (i havent read the post)

maniac reactives his twitter and responds to the allegations that he isnt beaintg (i havent read the post)


  1. aayan987

    Respect the courage to reactivate it and admit at least. I hope he gets some proper help, stops drinking and at least takes a break from social media and the cs scene.

  2. anto2554

    No respect for what he did, but respect for this

  3. Messmers

    Should get professional help but being drunk isn’t an acceptable reason for going around and groping people or sending minors inappropriate messages.

  4. greku_cs

    Groping, touching women against their consent and trying to connect it with a need of feeling wanted is a huge stretch imo.

    Good for him to address this issue and speak out, hope he tries extra hard to take care of himself from now on. Alcohol is a poison but it reveals one’s true self quite often.

  5. chaRxoxo

    I guess it’s pretty much the best thing he could do.

  6. Roman64s

    Oh but I thought Uber receipts said otherwise ?

    I don’t know, this reply came a little bit too late, only admitting what he did when it was clear that there was absolutely no way out. Either way, I sincerely hope he goes to rehab so nobody else has to suffer down the line and his victims find a bit of peace knowing that they actually managed to not let him get away with it.

    It’s going to be either incredibly funny or incredibly awful to see how many idiots in this sub out themselves when they still somehow defend this guy after he has admitted it.

    What else now ? “at least he admitted it” ? is that the new defense for this guy ? Or more incel shit where they are going to justify it by saying “the guy just needed some companionship”

  7. iamspuds

    hate when im being forced to peer into the abyss (being called out for my shit actions)

  8. FYI to anyone without twitter, it seems like he deleted and re-uploaded the statement, inserting a new line in that reads [“I was broken during my childhood and I wish to one day have the strength to address it with courage”](https://imgur.com/a/h1U4nnb)

    Unsure what the context is behind this but it seems to be laying the foundation for some type of explanation(?) to his behavior.

  9. spooki_boogey

    So will this please the “We need proof” sigma males or are they going to say he’s innocent until we get an 4K 300 fps frag movie of his Maniacs greatest offenses?

  10. Express_Raise6198

    This reminds me of that South Park episode where Ike’s teacher has a romantic relationship with him and uses alcohol as an excuse to get off free despite being a pedofile

  11. Statisticc

    This makes the initial refutal look even worse, but I guess it’s a better point to leave the CS community on than just deactivating everything.

  12. DeQQster

    This would be a statement I could kinda respect if he didn’t try to downplay his actions and blame the victim (“she flirted”) in his previous one.

    This whole situation is just shitty for everyone involved. Of course, first and foremost for the women who got harassed and assaulted, but also for the whole scene.

    It doesn’t paint the scene in a good light if he really was allowed to behave like this for years. I am shocked how no one stopped him or at least told him in private to get his shit together. And why were the people at the parties even allowing it to happen? It isn’t like he assaulted women in private, he did it at events where his colleagues and their friends were.

    I just really can’t understand how he was allowed to behave like this for so long. If it weren’t for a few brave women, he probably would continue because apparently everyone was turning a blind eye.

  13. K0nvict

    Exactly what everyone expected him to say

  14. Deignish

    I understand people have their struggles, and i truly hope he gets the help needed for that. But at no point in this statement does he legitimately apologise to the people he actually caused harm to, just a vague sentence about “unacceptable behaviour”.

  15. itsmepuffd

    ey, at least we won’t have to listen to him on the desk anymore.

  16. Alcohol is no excuse you just have to live with the fact that you fucked up.

  17. Resident_Buddy_8978

    Someone posted images of dm’s allegedly from Maniac to girls possibly under 18.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if deleting his social media was an attempt to get rid of future potential evidence. Perhaps this rabbit hole goes deeper than we realise.

  18. vanjaeesti

    Aha of course standard card,I was drunk I need help.Sure buddy I ve been drunk most of my college life never went groping women.Alcohol isn’t excuse for something like this, it’s just PR stunt to try and help his case and probably in future get him back on the desk,after he becomes “changed man” after being sober for 1 year

  19. cybermaru

    Disgraceful, we all would probably be able to have empathy if this was the first statement. This just feels like a final push on saving a little bit of his face (which he has lost already so why bother). The nerve on still blaming someone else but himself…

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