Cyberpunk 2077

I need to know if my V looks good.

All my friends TRASH on my V mainly cause of her haircut but I think she's super cool.

Also how can I get an all black biker helmet?

Anyways gimme honest opinions, if she's bad she's bad (In the bad way not the good way)


  1. Sad-Table-1051

    outfit 6/10
    hair 1/10
    glasses 8/10

  2. kitamanleviii


  3. No_Guarantee_6963

    The rest of it is good, but the hair is just not it buddy. It looks like a bird started a nest on your head.

  4. AshlynHan

    hair 7/10
    outfit ?/10 because bro ur v looks like she move bricks, literal bricks

  5. I flipping love the original look.

    Is giving lesbian Albert Wesker vibes!

  6. Hungry_Interaction89

    Judy might like the army cut 😂

  7. No_Guarantee_6963


  8. GnomKobold

    I love her, she looks right for the job (murder, theft, any other merc job) 🙂

  9. Arragan

    I’m sorry, but I’m with your friends on this one

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