Imagine seeing people who didn’t pay play before you…

Imagine seeing people who didn’t pay play before you…


  1. Jackpkmn

    Don’t pre-order and it’s not a problem.

  2. ArachnidAlarming2366

    Well deserved 🤡

    Why pay for an unreleased game lol

  3. BlackRedDead

    And that’s why we rather prosecute those “pesky pirates” than slapping those damn DRM fanatics on their fingers publicly to stop that BS to punish honest customers!
    May GoG rise & prosper!

  4. Elfeniona

    Pretty fun game but game kicks your ass on the highest difficulty

  5. Aggravating-Dot132

    And i’m having a good time, since by the normal release at least some bugs will be figured out.

    It’s a paid beta afterall.

  6. ChonkyFire7

    I was minutes away from buying it and decided to look some stuff up first… No ultrawide support, thank god I did.

    to me it’s a little infuriating playing games that don’t support ultrawide, on an ultra wide. It feels different than just playing on a normal 16:9, don’t ask me why because I don’t know.

    Seriously surprised it isn’t here at launch, not only is it fucking 2024 but the developer is SABER. I guess this is kind of good because I don’t have to buy the $100 version where the only benefit I wanted was being able to play on a FRIDAY.

    pisses me off when they do this too, suspiciously release on a Monday and have early access on a Friday.. they know what they’re doing :/

  7. If buying isn’t owning, then pirating isn’t stealing.

  8. Nice-Pangolin-4048

    Once again the GREEDY mega trillion dollar corporations DECEIVE THE CUSTOMER with no repercussions whatsoever. This is a matter that the vicepresidente of the UNITED STATES must addres. If she (Kamala Harris) does not address greedy corporation pushing preorders on innocent and humble consumers, my vote will be going with JOE Biden. I have lost FAITH in POLITICO

  9. Ashzael

    I have early access, technically speaking. I’m just too busy with life to actually play. And trust me, living life is way more important and fun than a video game that ain’t going anywhere.

    FoMo is all in your head and you’re the only one who can make it grow. Stop giving other people power over you because of it and trust me, your life will be so much better.

  10. meltingpotato

    Even if I was a billionaire I would still not pre order a game.

    In fact, I always wait a week or two after release for patches.

  11. Drugrigo_Ruderte

    Is the multiplayer mode available in the cracked versions?

  12. Got bought this by a buddy because we’re grown ass adults who want to play Space 2 Marine but have literally no time to do it other than this weekend. The FOMO is real when your time is no longer your own.

  13. repairmanjack

    Blizzard charged $40 extra to play the newest expansion 3 days early, and my whole guild aside from me did it. Fuck that on general principle.

  14. Neospecial

    Not entirely true; in some(most?) games a more proper illustration would be looking down at them struggling with a plethora of bugs and disconnects – they are essentially buying Two games to be a beta tester for 7 days before full release such as ie. the new Test drive game.

    Have friend(s) that do this even though not exactly affluent…

  15. itsRobbie_

    How are pirates playing? Isn’t it multiplayer? Can’t you not use online features if you do that?

  16. Forumites000

    Why pre-order? Oh right, because gamers are short sighted and need their dopamine hit NOW NOW NOW NOW

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