Call of Duty: Zombies

Why did they make Der Eisendrache so that in non-ranked private, and especially in playing locally, you need all 4 bows to do the egg?

Why did they make Der Eisendrache so that in non-ranked private, and especially in playing locally, you need all 4 bows to do the egg?


  1. Etvaht115

    Oh I do, but some people prefer for friends or others to be able to join midgame so they play non-ranked, while others dont have online so play locally. But it baffles me why the devs would make it that way and it’s bugging me haha

  2. Impossible_Farm_979

    Probably a technical limit due to people being able to join late. The egg probably decides the number of bows needed on load

  3. beasllie

    Unranked means friends can join mid game I think. So if you were to get past the bow step on your own and get up to the boss fight, you could have friends join and they wouldn’t have to get the other bows

  4. _sLAUGHTER234

    Recently canceled PS plus because fuck paying 80 bucks a year for that shit. Been doing zombies EE solo, well you can only play locally on B03 this way.

    Literally just tonight I got to that step and had to learn the hard way 😭

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