What happens when I cover this hole (red arrow) on hard drive ?

What happens when I cover this hole (red arrow) on hard drive ?


  1. canadajones68

    The drive gets mad at you and starts singing to keep you up at night.

    No, more seriously, the drive head floats above a spinning platter on a cushion of air. Pressure differentials and weird air physics could easily disturb this cushion and cause a catastrophic head crash. Therefore, there are holes to ensure that pressure on the inside is approximately the same as outside. If you cover them, it might be fine, but it also might not be fine. On something as precision engineered as a modern hard drive, I’d say to trust the engineers and not cover the hole.

  2. My favorite thing about this label is that they used “=>” instead of an actual arrow design

  3. Psychomusketeer

    You don’t want to know.

    This is your last warning.

    Stop looking into it.

    Forget what you saw.

  4. Deserted_Derserter

    Then the drice will have to hold it’s fart. Which is going to be a bad thing

  5. toiletpaperisempty

    Believe it or not, straight to jail.

    Good question though, and the top comment is correct. Unless they were to somehow vacuum seal a HDD it needs a vent to allow for air current and pressure changes to function. Can’t tell you how long we’ve wanted to get over the need for moving parts in a PC.

  6. Yauchout

    I’m pretty sure your warranty is void that’s what happens. No more warranty. I mean it says it right there

  7. GastropodEmpire

    the lack of actual answers here is cringe
    (there is 1 of 30+)

  8. Consistent_Research6

    Why would you wanna do that, if it states not to cover it because there is a little filter there that takes air from outside to cool the driver. If you cover that hole a secret agent will come to you and kidnap you.

  9. As far as I understood thats some kind of pressure compensation, so that changes in external air pressure don’t create tensions in the HD Case that could lead to performance problems or even fails.

  10. Superg0id

    Dr Nefario: “Do you WANT to Explode?!”

  11. Not much. Drives are sealed with an innert gas inside. It probably just a release valve for the pressure when they go on airplane or something

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