Call of Duty: Zombies

POV: It’s October 25th, 2024 and you played Liberty Falls for the first time and it turned out to be the greatest zombies map of all time.

Everyone will be proven wrong.


  1. Lrush145

    Bro, it’s gonna be mid at best. But keep huffing copium if it keeps you going ig

  2. Mowgli_About

    I could care less of the bad rep, I’m looking forward to it so much I forgot the other map existed, I can not wait for liberty falls

  3. SentientGopro115935

    Honestly no, I don’t think there’s any _major_, map changing secret that they didn’t show off, it is possible but I really wouldn’t count on it. I think the map’s _fine_ as is, atmosphere’s a bit shit but I think it still has redeeming qualities, especially the easter egg and story potential that we haven’t seen yet. I also like the reworked jetgun, taking the annoying and inconvenient breaking and replacing it with a more fun mechanic that gives you an extra attack when it overheats.

    But yeah, I really wouldn’t count on any major map changes from what we have, it’d be fucking awesome if there was, though.

  4. VerySmug

    I mean, it won’t be the greatest. But I do have hopes that it is decent to play.

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