Banned question

It’s passed the “end time” and I’m still seeing this message. I haven’t settled the amount because it was an unauthorized transaction. I thought after 30 days I could get access to the account and it just deducts UC every time you get some.

Your account has been banned for 30 days due to the outstanding amount of UC owed. The system has detected refunds or illegal transactions on your account and deducted the corresponding amount of UC from it. If your UC balance is insufficient, this will continue to be deducted until the amount owed is cleared. Please promptly settle the amount owed to regain access to your account.
End Time: 2024/08/25 20:33:40


  1. DeeCeeGamingX

    You accidentally spent $100 on PUBG? Or someone stole your card info and bought coins on your account for you?

    You said it was an “unauthorized transaction” but if the problem wasn’t on their end why would they give access to an account that owes them money with the hope you now buy 2X the amount of coins to pay them back?

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