
This game is a lot of fun and everyone should play it

It’s a shame that Xbox players can’t play Wukong yet


  1. You should’ve added Chinese before players.

  2. ExamNo2846

    I’m not I’m enjoying it either since I’m on ps4 still but it doesn’t look that interesting to me Anyways

  3. Nisekoi_

    First baldur gate now wukong. At least they got palworld on launch.

  4. Wrath4044

    This is the reason I’m actually switching to ps, the second time now that they’ve fumbled a most likely goty release, they’ve shown they don’t care about their player base.

  5. thegreatmango

    Eh, i’ll take your word for it. I have the systems and am passing on it until it’s on sale or on game pass, if ever taking the time to play it.

    But this post seems weird. Why make it?

  6. Revo_Int92

    Seems like the Potato S is to blame. Honestly, it felt like a really good idea, but nowadays we are all witnessing how the Series S was a mistake (one of the many Xbox mistakes)

  7. TopGsApprentice

    Xbox really shot themselves in the foot with the Series S. I say this as an Xbox player myself

  8. Gurtrock12Grillion

    More “souls like” garbage lol most overrated genre in gaming history.

  9. SnipFred

    Jokes on you, I’m not enjoying any game right now because I have work

  10. Let’s make two consoles, one that’s solid and fast and one that is extremely underpowered. And then let’s force devs to make sure their games play on the weaker one. I’m sure it’ll be fine.

  11. PapaOogie

    Xbox players have to be used to this by now, after like a decade and a half of no notable exclusives

  12. MysteriousClimate774

    I am real person! Wukong best game ever, right? Buy now! China cool.

  13. Snowbunny236

    I have a PC and will skip. The game looks awful to me.

  14. InterestingYouth113

    I’m on PS5, started playing yesterday but have set it aside until performance is fixed 😔

  15. miseryann

    I can’t wait for the game to release on Xbox.

  16. I’m good on the Chinese spyware dude thanks anyways

  17. As someone who’s on xbox we don’t care about theses kinda games! We are elite we want that smoke in online game play!

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