
If you know, you know

If you know, you know


  1. milesprower06

    I think the last thing I bought before they merged to become GameStop was Pokemon Red.

  2. z_AxioMatiC_z

    My brother and I would spend hours pouring over the newspaper print pricing sheet and plan out our allowance. We’d also take time to marvel at how the trade in value for Super Mario NES was like $0.02 and some Final Fantasy games cost like $90.

  3. azn_cali_man

    Wow that’s a good bit ago! L

    I remember waiting to play the demo of Donkey Kong 64 and not being able to because some old guy was consistently hogging that game every time I went. Lots of other kids were disappointed, too. Ended up my parents bought me the game for Christmas after realizing I suffered enough with never trying it for myself. Definitely didn’t disappoint!

    I think the last thing I bought was the game guide for Final Fantasy VIII.

  4. Rndmblkmn

    My father bought me my first console at Funcoland. Great times.

  5. dregwriter

    This was my favorite place to go as a kid in the 90’s. Going up there to play games on their demo kiosk. I used to beg my uncle to take me there, a lot.

  6. One_Development_7424

    I bought my used Sega from funcoland as a kid. Those were the days

  7. LordByrum

    That’s where I went to get sega genesis games

  8. Saintious

    Then Babbages, then GameStop. At least in my town.

  9. platyhooks

    I didn’t have one near me till right up when they were bought out. I remember seeing their page in comics when with pricelists that you could order from when I was a kid.

  10. Answerologist

    Hell yeah! Not just Funcoland, but WaldenSoftware, KayBee toys, etc.

  11. ZSpectre

    Whoa, I think I still have mine in some box stored somewhere.

  12. This and Electronics Boutique were my go-to spots.

    God I’m old. 😆

  13. AsstDepUnderlord

    I worked at Babbages and Software Etc. People can get all misty eyed about them but they were generally terrible for everybody except the employees that got to take games home to try them, then bring them back and sell them as new.

  14. otterplus

    I got my PS1, Gran Turismo, and Jet Moto 2 for $25 by trading in my SNES, a handful of bland games, and a couple controllers. Anyone else remember the price newsletter they had? There was a DBZ game that must have been unobtainium because it was always increasing in trade in value. I remember seeing it at $110 all the way up to $200 something

  15. junker359

    The store that taught me that I’d be getting ten cents on the dollar for my used games, if I was lucky

  16. CoolHandLuke4Twanky

    Never got to go but my brother was old enough to with his friends. He was 12 at the time and i was 8. We grew up poor and mom just never had enough to buy extra games. My bro used like $25 he had saved and got me and my nephew like 2-3 games each. I was amazed that he made it stretch that far.

    Games he got us

    Irritating Stick

    Funcoland in the 90s just hit hard af

  17. antitheta

    I have a florescent funcoland store light that we had in our office. They were our web customer from the start until they got bought. Good times.

  18. This post made me realize this place was not somewhere from a fever dream and actually existed.

  19. WindUpShoe

    FuncoLand was like some promised land of gaming when I was a kid. It was just another store, ultimately, but it was nice to think otherwise before reality hit. I wish I had been older with my own income back then, because I’d have had a riot snapping up old NES stuff.

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