Switchblade getting a significant bsa buff, qq9 10mm now more deadly


  1. Few_Run4389

    Oden nerf still does nothing if the previously mentioned buff will still be implemented. It will still become an all-Oden meta.

    The SX9 compensation nerfs seems unnecessary but not too crazy.

    QQ10 is already top meta, why buff it even more bruh.

    These are still random changes. We need a BP50 and Tundra nerf (the latter so that DLQ can be viable) and buffs for weapons that need them like Dingo (damage), M13 (slight mobility and handling), FR (bi or 2nd range limit), Pharo (bsa/range/horizontal recoil), Razorback (slight bsa), etc.

  2. Nerfing sniper rifles in Zombies? WTF? Did the zombies complain to the devs?

    Edit: Even look at the way they presented it, “Reduced some sniper rifle’s damage…” That grammatically means they just nerfed one sniper rifle, but can’t be bothered to tell us which one.

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